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1. Informational text is organized, or structured, in a specific way to guide the readers in identifying key information and making

1. Informational text is organized, or structured, in a specific way to guide the readers in
identifying key information and making connections among ideas (Honig, et. al., 2018).
Having the students understand how a text is organized helps with comprehension.

Informational texts use a limited number of organizational structures, each having a set
of signal words that indicate the underlying organization. Study the chart
“Informational Text Structure and Signal Words” on page 683 then identify how
the following passages are organized. Highlight the signal words for each
passage .


Not all bugs slither and crawl. A bug can also be an error in a computer
program. When a computer tries to read a program with a bug in it, the bug will
affect the computer in one of two ways: the computer may process the error and
continue running the program. In this case the bug only has a small effect on the
computer; however, if the computer cannot process the error, then the bug will
cause the computer to freeze and crash. As a result , the user to restart the
program or the computer. Bugs are pesky to computer programmers and users.

Text Structure:
Cause and Effect- It describes how programming bugs
affect computers.

A. Computers are very complex machines, but everything that they do can be put
into two basic categories: inputting and outputting. Inputting is when the
computer accepts information entered by the user. Outputting is when the
computer returns information to the user. When you press a key on your
keyboard, you input information. When the letter that you pressed appears on
your monitor, your computer is outputting. Both inputting and outputting require
the computer to process information, but input is controlled by the user and
output is controlled by the computer. Without inputting and outputting, there
would be no computing.

Text Structure:

B. Have you ever received an email from a strange address with nothing but a
mysterious link in the body? Don’t click that link! It may be a drive-by download
attack, a common way of infecting computers. These attacks may start as link in
an email or Facebook inbox. If you click the link, your computer browser will

connect to a website created to attack computers. Once you have connected with
the attack site, it will begin scanning your computer for weaknesses. If it finds a
weakness, your computer will begin downloading a harmful file. You will not know
that you are downloading this file. It will happen without your knowledge or
permission. After the download is complete, the file will run and the attacker will
have control of your computer. As you continue browsing the internet, you may
not even realize that you have been victimized. The drive-by download attack is
one of the most common threats to computer users today.

Text Structure:

C. Computer viruses are scary. If an attacker gets control of your computer, they
can snoop through your files, steal your sensitive information, and even use your
computer’s webcam and microphone to spy on you. But just because there are
scary things on the Internet, doesn’t mean that we should stay off of the Internet.
Instead, practice safe habits such as installing virus protection. Virus protection
will not protect you against all attacks, but it may stop the most common ones. It
also helps to keep your software up to date. Software updates close security
holes. By installing updates from software providers, you will have a stronger
system. Perhaps the most important thing that you can do is to be smart about
how you browse. Don’t click on suspicious links and don’t open attached files
unless you are expecting them. The Internet can be a dangerous place, but you’ll
be safer if you take a few precautions. Happy browsing!

Text Structure:

D. Viruses can mess up computers and make them run slowly. If you’ve ever gotten
a virus on your computer, you may have wondered why someone would go
through all of that trouble just to ruin your computer. There are two reasons why
people spread viruses: money and power. If someone infects your computer with
a virus, they can make money by stealing your sensitive information and selling it
to identity thieves. Or, they can gain power by using your computer to attack
other computers and websites to take them offline. Your computer makes an
attractive target to cybercriminals because they can use it to gain money and

Text Structure:

E. In the world of technology, programming and computers work together like puzzle
pieces, forming the backbone of our digital lives. Imagine programmers as
architects designing blueprints, called algorithms, that tell computers what to do.
These algorithms are like recipes, guiding computers to perform tasks with
precision and speed. Computers, with their sleek designs and glowing screens,
are the gateways to this digital universe. They process information at lightning
speed, responding to commands and displaying results in an instant.

Text Structure:

Experience how this comprehension strategy may work
using the following eighth-grade passage from an
iReady book. Read the passage below and answer the
question that follows.

The Supreme Court ruled that segregation prevents children of minority groups from getting
an equal education. Explain how the sentences in paragraph 2 develop the idea of the
importance of equal educational opportunities. Use two details from the text in your response.

Type your response below:

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