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2/10/24, 4:46 PM W2: What is Demand-Driven Forecasting? – SCMG305 I002 Winter 2024 1/2 W2: What is Demand-Driven Forecasting? SCMG305 I002 Winter 2024

2/10/24, 4:46 PM W2: What is Demand-Driven Forecasting? – SCMG305 I002 Winter 2024


W2: What is Demand-Driven

SCMG305 I002 Winter 2024 LE

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Week 2 Discussion : What is Demand-Driven Forecasting?

Course Objectives:

CO2: Examine the concept of demand-driven forecasting as compared to supply-

driven forecasting

Discussion Prompt:

In addition to reading your assigned resources for week 2, you have some

research to complete for this week’s discussion:

1. Research online for an authoritative (expert) resource that helps you to
answer a very simple question: What are the basic differences between

supply-driven and demand-driven forecasting. Before posting, check any

other student postings and try to not duplicate the resource they have


2. Start your Discussion by inserting a hyperlink for

your resource (Note – To insert a hyperlink, type in a one or two word

phrase that introduces the resource, highlight it, then click on the small

Chain-link in the navigation panel above and insert a copy of the

URL Address for the resource)

2/10/24, 4:46 PM W2: What is Demand-Driven Forecasting? – SCMG305 I002 Winter 2024



SCMG Undergrad Discussion Rubric (Feb 2021)

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3. Next, directly under the hyperlink, author a paragraph discussing

what you learned about the differences between supply- and demand-

driven forecasting and any points that may have been either additive to or

different from the lesson reading assignments.

4. The final task for this discussion is to briefly summarize what you have

learned that you wish to pass on to the rest of us in the course that

identifies the primary difference between supply-driven and demand-
driven forecasting.

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