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6-2 Peer Workshop Discussion: Essay Draft Feedback (75 Points) Providing and receiving feedback often means exploring opinions and ideas different from you

6-2 Peer Workshop Discussion: Essay Draft Feedback (75 Points) Providing and receiving feedback often means exploring opinions and ideas different from your own. Remember to remain thoughtful and respectful toward your peers and instructor in your peer workshop post and replies.

Create one initial post and provide feedback to at least two of your peers.

For your initial post, address the following:

  1. State your thesis and audience.
  2. List two challenges you faced when writing your first draft.
  3. Share one paragraph from your essay draft. Consider sharing the paragraph that you would like the most help with.

In addition, follow these instructions:

  • Complete your initial post by Thursday at 11:59 p.m. of your local time zone.

For your response posts, address the following:

Read through your peers’ posts carefully and provide feedback on these areas:

  1. What, in your words, is this paragraph about? Are there any sentences or ideas that fall outside the main topic? If so, which ones?
  2. How are quotes or paraphrases used to support your peer’s ideas? Would your peer’s audience find these to be convincing, or is more evidence needed?
  3. What words or strategies does your peer use to appeal to their audience? Are there any ways in which the writer could engage the reader more?
  4. How does your peer lead the reader from one idea to the next? Did you get a little lost anywhere? If so, where did you get lost?
  5. What might help your peer overcome the challenges they faced?

In addition, follow these instructions:

  • Provide constructive feedback to at least two peers outside of your own initial post thread. Try to select peers who have not received any feedback.
  • Remember that you are providing feedback on a draft of your peers’ work. Do not comment on mechanics such as spelling, grammar, or the correctness of citations. Instead, focus your feedback on the areas listed in the guidelines for the response posts.
  • Remember that you are part of a learning community where you can reach out to your classmates with any questions you have about their feedback on your post.
  • Complete your response posts by Sunday at 11:59 p.m. of your local time zone.

Remember, this assignment is graded on the quality of your initial post and at least two response posts to your peers. If you refer to any resources, be sure to include an attribution to the resource.

To complete this assignment, review the

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