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A registered nurse is preparing three hypothalamic and pituitary medications for assigned patients. The registered nurse is looking up key information

A registered nurse is preparing three hypothalamic and pituitary medications for assigned patients. The registered nurse is looking up key information about leuprolide (Lupron), somatropin (Nutropin, Saizen, Humatrope, Zorbtive), and desmopressin. (Chapter 35-Learning Objectives 2, 4, and 5)

Discussion Questions

a. What are the indications for the use of somatropin (Nutropin, Saizen, Humatrope, Zorbtive)?

b. What are the most common adverse reactions for leuprolide (Lupron)?

c. What are the therapeutic actions for desmopressin?

d. What are the key nursing implementation considerations for patients receiving growth hormones?

Grading criteria

 Answers should be at least 200 words with at least two references. Assignment is rich in content, full of thought, insight, and analysis. APA format is required to earn any points Provides a minimum of two substantive peer replies with reference. A minimum of one (1) reference is required per peer reply. *Each peer reply must be a minimum of 150 words. Correct APA format of in-text citations (within the body of the posting) and references (in the list). Both are required to earn any points. Spelling, grammar, punctuation, mechanics and word usage are correct and consistent with Standard American English. All references are relevant, scholarly, and less than 10 years old. Posts indicate respect and consideration for peers and instructor and are written using scholarly language.

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