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MGMT 230 Organizational Behavior -CENGAGE ASSIGNMENTS

Chapter 04: Assignment: Individual Values, Perceptions, and Reactions

1. Attitudes and cognitive dissonance (Connect)

Match each description with the corresponding term.


Key Terms




You plan to come in early tomorrow to help your boss take inventory. Unfortunately, you do not make it because you decide to sleep in.



You took your current job because it has a better commute, higher pay, and more interesting work than any of your other job options.



Billy likes his boss Tony because he is supportive and gives him the confidence to succeed.

Cognitive dissonance


You believe that workers around the world are entitled to minimum standards of workplace safety, pay, and working conditions. You learn that your new employer is inconsistent in how it treats workers in other countries, and that to raise the company’s standards in some of the countries would be so expensive that the company would have to close those facilities and fire those workers.

If we value honesty and integrity, we may form especially favorable 
–?—-toward a manager whom we believe to be very honest.

Attitudes, Cognition, Intentions

What type of employees give their full effort to their jobs, often going beyond what is required because they are passionate about the organization and about doing their jobs well?




Javier tells his friend Betty that he “would like to leave his job at a large pharmaceutical company. But leaving would mean that I would lose my stock options that are currently worth a lot of money so I have to stay.” What type of commitment is Javier likely experiencing?




2. Values and emotions (Connect)

Nasty interactions with coworkers can impact our —–?—– five times more strongly than positive interactions.

Cognition, Mood, Terminal Values

Match each description with the corresponding value conflict.


Value Conflict

Mandy values individual rewards and Ming values group recognition. They clash over how to approach a new project.

Individual-organization Value Conflict

Interpersonal Value Conflict

Intrapersonal Value Conflict

Your employer values saving money, but you value protecting the environment even if it costs a bit more to do this.

Individual-organization Value Conflict

Interpersonal Value Conflict

Intrapersonal Value Conflict

If being happy pulls us to spend quality time with our family or pursuing a hobby we love, but personal ambition pulls us to work longer hours and pursue promotions.

Individual-organization Value Conflict

Interpersonal Value Conflict

Intrapersonal Value Conflict

TED: I love my job. I’m constantly learning new things and have a lot of control over what I do.

MADELINE: I love my job, too. The health benefits and retirement plan are amazing!

What values is Madeline expressing?

Instrumental values

Intrinsic work values

Terminal values

Extrinsic work values

Write the term from the following list that is best defined by each of these phrases. Use each term no more than once.

Terminal values

Extrinsic work values

Survival values

Instrumental values

Interpersonal value conflict

Self-expression values

Intrinsic work values

Intrapersonal value conflict

Traditional values

Secular-rational values

These values emphasize quality of life and environmental protection.

These values reflect the importance of religion in a society.

When deciding what job to take, you weigh pay, benefits, and the company’s contribution to your retirement account the highest when comparing companies.

When you are torn between letting a product of marginal quality go to the customer because if you don’t you won’t get your monthly productivity bonus, what are you experiencing?

It is important to identify these values because if you don’t know what your long-term life goals are it is difficult to make the right personal and career decisions and to do the right things to achieve them.

3. Perceptions and their impact on work (Connect)

Match each description with the term that best describes it.



Peter thinks that Sam is his best salesperson. When Sam’s sales start to fall, Peter thinks, “It must just be a run of bad luck” and continues to give Sam high performance ratings.



Selective Perception


Because Ben believes that men are better at physical work than women he only hires men for his cleaning business.



Selective Perception


As you are interviewing Paul, you learn that he went to the same college that you did. You give Paul high ratings for company fit and abilities as a result.



Selective Perception


When your colleague Mia does well on a promotion test, she comments that it was because she studied hard for it. When you do well on the same test, Mia comments that you got lucky.



Selective Perception


For each example presented in the following table, identify the managerial skill being illustrated.


Procedural Fairness


Distributive Fairness

Interactional Fairness

Charles didn’t get much done today because he wasted a lot of time worrying that his coworker was going to gossip about him to their supervisor.

Although you usually believe that personality tests are not useful in hiring contexts, you feel they are appropriate in this case because the interviewer took the time to explain why the organization uses them and how they will be used.

You contributed more than 25% of the material for the project for which your team got a performance bonus, but you only received 25% of the bonus amount.

Because Pedro is always well groomed and dressed nicely you assume that he is also a skilled salesperson because you associate looking professional with good sales skills.

The contrast effect

The halo effect

Selective perception

First impression bias

A victim of ——?—- often has increased expressions of hostility toward the supervisor or company, which can lead to negative work behaviors and decrease the effectiveness of organizational communication.

Procedural Fairness

Interactional Unfairness


4. Managing stress (Connect)

When people are stressed they may become depressed or develop sleep problems. This is a—-?—- consequence of stress.

Medical, Psychological, Behavioral

Use these terms to best complete the following sentence. Use each term no more than once.







Rachel walks into class and feels a sense of panic when she realizes that she forgot to study for the exam that was about to start.

As the clock moved closer to the meeting’s start time, Steve realized that there was no way he could get the report his boss needed for the meeting done on time.

As Ben walks into the office on his first day on the job he feels both excited and stressed.

Danny used to love his job, but after working long hours for the last few months he has started dreading going to work in the morning and feels tired all the time.

Match each term with its definition.



To help employees manage their stress, employees in Google’s Zurich office can visit the on-site library or aquarium.



Role Management

Support Group

Time Management

To help employees manage stress, Nike has an on-site Olympic-sized heated pool, basketball court, and soccer field.



Role Management

Support Group

Time Management

When Sarah was feeling stressed because she was having a hard time finding a new job, her family treated her to dinner and a movie.



Role Management

Support Group

Time Management

When Clint felt stressed because he had been given more work than he could complete that week, he asked his boss for help in prioritizing what he should get done first.



Role Management

Support Group

Time Management

As Will completes tasks on his daily to-do list, checking them off helps him manage his daily work stress.



Role Management

Support Group

Time Management

5. Chapter 04 Video Case Study: Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning: Understanding Individual Behavior (Lead)

Watch this video in which founder Michael Boyle and personal trainers Marco Sanchez and Ana Tocco talk about working at Mike Boyle Strength & Conditioning. Then answer the questions that follow.


Mike, one of the owners and founders of Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning, states: “I think we can go out and sell this product to the public and make a living but more importantly make an impact.” This statement indicates that Mike feels _____________ is more important than the need to make money.

terminal value for impact

job satisfaction for selling

extrinsic work value for selling

cognitive dissonance for impact

Use your knowledge of the different errors of perception to classify the following example.


 Halo effect

Contrast effect

 First impression effect

Self-fulfilling prophecy

Assume a new customer arrived and had difficulty with weight training activities. If the employee then assumed the customer would never be good at weight training and failed to provide good coaching and guidance to help the customer improve then the customer would never become good at weight training.

Employee engagement is a strong emotional and intellectual connection that an employee has for the job, organization, manager, or coworkers. Engagement influences how much discretionary effort people put into their work. In general, employees want to have clear goals and roles, resources to do a good job, and receive meaningful feedback. However, the factors that drive engagement vary across age groups and job positions. Assume you are Mike Boyle of Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning and 
most of your workforce is in the 18- to 24-year-old age bracket.

If you are trying to engage your workforce, what are the most important things you can do to engage them?
 Check all that apply.

Develop leaders and employees at all levels

Quickly resolve customer concerns

Ensure senior managers are genuinely interested in employee well-being

Provide good retirement benefits

Assume you are the owner of Mike Boyle Strength and Conditioning and you realize that your health insurance costs are increasing because your employees are feeling stressed, which is causing burnout and illness. What might you do to help ameliorate this problem?

Increase projection of leaders when interacting with employees

Reduce engagement

Reduce or eliminate leadership styles that may be causing stress

Increase consensus of attributions

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