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BY DAY 6 OF WEEK 1 Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts.  Respond to  at least two of your colleagues on 


Read a selection of your colleagues’ posts. 
Respond to 
at least two of your colleagues on 
2 different days by supporting or expanding on their explanation, as well as how they have described their response to the patient. Peer responses should include at least two (2) supporting scholarly, peer-reviewed references 
outside of the provided Learning Resources. Your responses should also include additional resources to either support or refute the responses and should demonstrate critical thinking.

Note: Be sure you work to share additional perspectives on the details described by your colleague. Responses of “I agree” or “good point” will result in lower score grading.


Ion Channels and G Proteins in Signal Transduction and Medication Targets

            Ion channels and G proteins are crucial for communication between cells. Appropriate cell communication allows the body to respond to internal and external changes. Proteins called ion channels allow ions, such as sodium or potassium, to flow through cell membranes. Ion channels allow ions to enter or exit by opening or closing in response to stimuli such as chemicals or voltage changes. Ion flow is necessary for many physiological functions, such as muscle contraction, neuronal electrical signaling, and cellular homeostasis maintenance (Ye et al., 2022). G proteins are internal proteins that aid in transmitting signals from the outside to the inside of cells. G proteins function as molecular switches inside cells (Maggio et al., 2021).

Signal Transduction and Targets of Medications

            Ion channels can be mechanical, ligand-, or voltage-gated. Changes in membrane potential cause voltage-gated ion channels to open or close. Ligand-gated ion channels function when specific molecules (ligands) bind to them. The electrical state of the cell is changed by direct ion flow, causing quick cellular reactions. Medications that target ion channels are anticonvulsants, antiarrhythmics, and some pain medications. To correct abnormal ion flow, these medications usually involve modulating the function of ion channels (Dai, 2023).

            G protein-coupled receptors are activated by binding a ligand to the receptor, causing conformational change. The alpha subunit of G proteins experiences an exchange of GDP for GTP due to the activation, which enables the GPCR to interact with G proteins. The G protein that has been activated subsequently splits into alpha and beta-gamma subunits, each of which can interact with a different downstream effector to cause another type of cell response. Many drugs function by targeting GPCRs, which makes them one of the most significant classes of drugs. Examples of medications include beta-blockers, antipsychotics, and antihistamines. The drugs function by altering GPCR activity to produce a therapeutic effect (Kankanamge et al., 2022).

Genetic Risk for Mental Illness

            A family history of a disease is a significant factor that causes concern about one’s risk of developing the same condition. Genetics can contribute to mental health conditions, but sharing your grandmother’s genes does not guarantee that you will experience the same illness. A complex interaction between genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors influences mental diseases. Numerous individuals who have a family history of mental illness do not experience mental health issues themselves. Instead, individuals use the knowledge of the condition running in the family to notice early signs or seek early intervention if needed (Singh et al., 2022).



Dai, G. (2023). Signaling by ion channels: Pathways, dynamics and channelopathies. Missouri Medicine, 120(5), 367–373.

Kankanamge, D., Tennakoon, M., Karunarathne, A., & Gautam, N. (2022). G protein gamma subunit, a hidden master regulator of GPCR signaling. The Journal of Biological Chemistry, 298(12), 102618.

Maggio, R., Fasciani, I., Carli, M., Petragnano, F., Marampon, F., Rossi, M., & Scarselli, M. (2021). Integration and spatial organization of signaling by g protein-coupled receptor homo- and heterodimers. Biomolecules, 11(12), 1828.

Singh, V., Kumar, A., & Gupta, S. (2022). Mental health prevention and promotion: A narrative review. Frontiers in Psychiatry, 13, 898009.

Ye, W., Zhao, H., Dai, Y., Wang, Y., Lo, Y. H., Jan, L. Y., & Lee, C. H. (2022). Activation and closed-state inactivation mechanisms of the human voltage-gated KV4 channel complexes. Molecular Cell, 82(13), 2427–2442.e4.


Main Question Post

Ion channels are proteins that are embedded in the cell membrane and allow specific ions, such as sodium, potassium, or calcium, to pass through in response to certain signals. These ion channels play a key role in regulating the electrical activity of cells, including nerve cells in the brain. When a signal is received, the ion channels open or close to allow ions to flow in or out of the cell. This process helps transmit signals within the cell and between different cells (Cooper, 2023). On the other hand, G proteins are a family of proteins that are involved in transmitting signals from outside the cell to the inside. When a signaling molecule, such as a hormone or neurotransmitter, binds to a receptor on the cell membrane, it activates a G protein. The G protein then triggers a cascade of signaling events inside the cell, leading to various cellular responses. G proteins are important targets for many medications, as they can be manipulated to either enhance or inhibit specific signaling pathways (Syrovatkina et al., 2018).

Now, let’s address the patient question about inheriting a mental illness from their grandmother. While genetics can play a role in the development of mental illnesses, it is not a guarantee that you will inherit the same condition as your grandmother. Mental illnesses are complex and can be influenced by a combination of genetic, environmental, and lifestyle factors (Stoewen, 2022).  These factors can play a significant role in the development, progression, and management of mental health conditions. Some common lifestyle factors that can impact mental health include:

1. Stress: High levels of stress, whether from work, relationships, or other sources, can contribute to the development of mental health disorders such as anxiety and depression. Learning how to manage stress through relaxation techniques, exercise, and seeking support can help reduce its impact on mental well-being.

2. Physical Activity: Regular physical activity has been shown to have a positive impact on mental health. Exercise can help reduce symptoms of anxiety and depression, improve mood, and boost self-esteem. Aim for at least 30 minutes of moderate exercise most days of the week.

3. Diet: A healthy, balanced diet rich in fruits, vegetables, whole grains, lean proteins, and healthy fats can support optimal brain function and mental well-being. Avoiding excessive consumption of processed foods, sugar, and caffeine can also benefit mental health.

4. Sleep: Quality sleep is essential for overall mental health. Chronic sleep deprivation can contribute to mood disorders, cognitive impairments, and increased stress levels. Establishing a regular sleep routine and practicing good sleep hygiene can help improve sleep quality.

5. Substance Use: Substance abuse, including alcohol, drugs, and tobacco, can have a negative impact on mental health. These substances can worsen symptoms of mental health disorders, interfere with medication effectiveness, and lead to addiction. Seeking help for substance abuse issues is crucial for mental well-being.

6. Social Connections: Maintaining healthy relationships and social connections is important for mental health. Isolation and loneliness can contribute to feelings of depression and anxiety. Building a support network of friends, family, or support groups can provide emotional support and a sense of belonging.

7. Mindfulness and Relaxation: Practicing mindfulness, meditation, or relaxation techniques can help reduce stress, improve mood, and increase self-awareness. These practices can promote emotional regulation and resilience in the face of life’s challenges (Stoewen, 2022).

Having a family history of mental illness can increase your risk, but it does not mean you will develop the same condition. It’s important to remember that mental illnesses are not solely determined by genes. Factors such as stress, trauma, substance abuse, and other environmental factors can also contribute to the development of mental health disorders. If you are concerned about your risk, it may be helpful to speak with a healthcare provider or genetic counselor who can provide personalized information and support. In conclusion, the development of mental illnesses is multifactorial, and having a family history does not guarantee that you will inherit the same condition. It’s important to focus on maintaining a healthy lifestyle, seeking support when needed, and discussing any concerns with a healthcare professional.


Cooper, D. (2023, July 25). 
Biochemistry, calcium channels. StatPearls [Internet]. 

Links to an external site.

Stoewen, D. L. (2022, April). 
Nature, nurture, and Mental Health Part 1: The influence of genetics, psychology, and biology. The Canadian veterinary journal = La revue veterinaire canadienne. 

Links to an external site.

Syrovatkina, V., Alegre, K. O., Dey, R., & Huang, X.-Y. (2018, September 25). 
Regulation, signaling, and physiological functions of G-Proteins. Journal of molecular biology. 

Links to an external site.

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