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Module 2 Discussion: Self-Reporting Leadership Assessment Instructions  · Choose 1 of 3 Self-Reporting

Module 2 Discussion: Self-Reporting Leadership Assessment Instructions  · Choose 1 of 3 Self-Reporting Leadership Assessments (e.g., Ethical Leadership, Authentic Leadership, General Leadership) that are provided in the Module 2: Self-Reporting Instrument Folder. · Complete the Assessment. · Use the results or insights obtained from your assessment activity to respond to the Module 2 Discussion questions (see […]

INSTRUCTION : TCAP #5: Reflection on Professional Feedback & #6: Professional Development and Ethical Leadership

INSTRUCTION : TCAP #5: Reflection on Professional Feedback & #6: Professional Development and Ethical Leadership Plan This assessment is specifically designed to further your reflexive praxis on the impact your coursework is having on your professional practice; and to help you establish measurable learning and professional development goals for your future growth as a teacher. In addition, […]

CLASSMATE 1 BAYCAT’s Hybrid Nonprofit Model and Future Sustainability Hybrid nonprofits can be proactive and transparent in story-telling by

CLASSMATE 1 BAYCAT’s Hybrid Nonprofit Model and Future Sustainability Hybrid nonprofits can be proactive and transparent in story-telling by communicating their positive social impact through their work, successes, and measured effects. They can use different communication channels, including annual reports, social media campaigns, case studies, and multimedia content, to show the hybrid model with which […]

Read : Stringer, E. T., & Aragón, O. A. (2020). Action research (5th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. ISBN: 9781544355948. Read chapters 1 &

Read : Stringer, E. T., & Aragón, O. A. (2020). Action research (5th ed.). SAGE Publications, Inc. ISBN: 9781544355948. Read chapters 1 & 2. Discussion Question: (Profession please use higher education) Using Stringer’s description of Action Research (AR), think back to a time within your present profession or life experiences when you have utilized the AR […]

Assignment 1 – Leadership Defined (15%)  (Objective 1) One take-a-way from this course is to grasp concepts that are integral

Assignment 1 – Leadership Defined (15%)  (Objective 1) One take-a-way from this course is to grasp concepts that are integral to the Interactional Framework for Analyzing Educational Leadership.  This leadership environment is the interaction between four key elements: · the leader · the follower · the mission (task, goal, etc.) · interacting in a given (situation […]