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check attached file Anatomy & Physiology II (2402) Cardiac Study Report The following details a cardiac lab report that will be assigned to each

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Anatomy & Physiology II (2402)

Cardiac Study Report

The following details a cardiac lab report that will be assigned to each group. The cardiac lab report consists two parts: calculations and evaluations of several cardiac patients and performing heart rates/ activity for the group.

I. Lab Report

Your group will be assigned a TDCC cardiac study. You and the members of your group will review essential cardiovascular data on 5 cardiac patients. Your group will perform and evaluate the cardiac health of the patients and plot/graph their data. Based upon the results of your data, your group will evaluate the 5 patients as to their cardiac health. Your group will prepare a report that is
3+ pages in length, double-spaced. The report will detail the patients’ health and your interpretation of their test results. In addition, your group will conduct, record, graph, and interpret the heart rate for group members and identify any trends.

The report should be divided into two sections: one for evaluation of the 5 patients and their results and a second section for your own group data on heart rate.

II. Calculations

A. Essential Cardiovascular Calculations

You will be given the following data on 5 (five) patients:

Systolic Blood Pressure Diastolic Blood Pressure

Left ventricular end diastolic volume Left ventricular end systolic volume

Heart Rate


Cardiac Output Patient Data

Patient 1 Patient 2 Patient 3

BP: 165/95 112/ 64 145/85

HR: 72 75 80

EDV: 120 122 100

ESV: 75 50 48

Patient 4 Patient 5

110/65 135/75

64 82

140 EDV 118 EDV

40 ESV 54 ESV

You will need to calculate the following for the patient data, include all formulas with these calculations:

1. Calculate pulse pressure (use the following formula: Pulse Pressure = Systolic Blood Pressure – Diastolic Blood Pressure) (EQ)

2. Calculate Mean Arterial Pressure (MAP) (use the following formula: MAP = (Systolic Blood Pressure + 2(Diastolic Blood Pressure))/3) (example for BP of 120/70: MAP = (120 + 2(70))/3 = 86.67mmHg) (EQ)

3. Calculate stroke volume (use the following formula: Stroke Volume = End Diastolic volume – End Systolic Volume) (EQ)

4. Calculate cardiac output (use the following formula: Cardiac Output = Stroke Volume X Heart Rate) (EQ)

5. Graph cardiac output for the five patients as a function of Cardiac Output (Y-axis) vs. Patient Number (X-axis) (EQ)

Ill. Heart Rates

Each member of the group will conduct the following measures on themselves:

6. Resting heart rate

7. Heart rate after 1 minute of walking: (EQ)

8. Heart rate after 5 minutes of walking: (EQ)

9. Heart rate after 5 minutes of moderate exercise (if able): (EQ)

10. Construct a data table of the raw numbers and a graph of the averaged data. (EQ)

Answer the following questions regarding the heart rate exercise:

11. What is the purpose of the average data? (CT) (CM)

12. What patterns or tends did you notice? (CT) (CM)

13. Did you encounter any problems during the experiment that may affect the accuracy of your data? (CT) (CM)

IV. References

I expect you to use at least 3 sources and list your references separately in
APA format. You may use your book or any number of reputable sources such as: National Institute of Health, Centers for Disease Control, Mayo Clinic, etc.

V. Cover Sheet

A cover sheet

VI. Assessing Your Cardiac Report

This project requires students to participate in a group to produce a written report that correctly analyzes various cardiac patients and evaluates their cardiac health. In completion of this assignment, students will learn to effectively work with others (Teamwork-TW) while producing a written document that justifies the accuracy of their evaluations (Communication Skills-CM). To produce this document, students will evaluate and analyze the data to determine cardiac health and to evaluate their own group data. (Critical Thinking Skills-CT). Further, students will compare the averages of their group’s heart rate data and proficiency regarding essential cardiovascular calculations by plotting the data. (Empirical and Quantitative Skills-EQ).

The attached rubric will be used to assess your group’s overall contribution. The final step in the assessment will be the completion of a confidential teamwork evaluation. You will evaluate your own contribution as well as the contribution of each group member.

VII. Submit

Submit your case study on or before the due date. You will need to upload one copy of the group report to the assignment and send your group assessment via the inbox in Canvas to me.

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