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Content Requirements: Components of the theory Discuss the major concepts of the theory Philosophical basis or worldview change, advancing

Content Requirements:

  1. Components of the theory
    • Discuss the major concepts of the theory
    • Philosophical basis or worldview change, advancing health
  2. Structural aspects of the theory
    • Discuss the framework of the theory.
  3. Identify an area of your practice where this theory could be applicable
    • What question does the theory help to answer?
    • Describe the area of interest in relationship to the theory/theoretical model.
    • Is it appropriate for the practice setting and is it applicable?
    • Discuss the strength and weakness of the theory. If there is weakness, discuss what makes it difficult to be used in practice.
  4. Use of theory in clinical practice.
    • Performing a literature review is essential to completing this section. If there is no literature available about the application of this theory in practice, address reason(s) why based on your findings.
  5. Evaluation of theory
    • Is this theory used to understand and apply into practice?
    • What difficulties did you encounter or would anticipate encountering in using this theory?
    • What would make this theory more usable or applicable to practice?

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