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Description Course Name: Student’s Name: Course Code: Student’s ID Number: Semester: CRN: Academic Year: 144 /144 H For Instructor’s Use


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Form No 4- Internship Report Cover Page
Student`s name:
Dalal Ali Alrasheed
Student`s ID #:
Training Organization: Saudi Investment
Trainee Department: Facility and Administration
Recycling Company (SIRC)
Field Instructor Name: Waleed Atallah
Course Title: MGT430
Internship Start Date:14-01-2024
Academic Year/Semester:
Field Instructor Signature:
Internship End Date:14-04-2024 and I extension until
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name:
Total Training Hours /280
Students’ Grade: Marks Obtained /30
Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Executive Summary …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 3
Acknowledgment ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 4
Introduction ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 5
Aim of the Report…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………… 5
Chapter one: About the company ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
Title of the company ………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 6
A brief history of the company ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 6
A process chart of a major product …………………………………………………………………………………………. 9
Chapter 2: Internship Activities ……………………………………………………………………………………………….. 12
Chapter 3: Recommendations…………………………………………………………………………………………………… 16
Advantageous that helped me in completing the training program. ………………………………………………. 16
Disadvantages and challenges that faced me and how I overcame them. ……………………………………….. 17
Recommendations to improve the training program in the college. ………………………………………………. 18
Conclusion ……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. 19
Summary of Training Experience: ……………………………………………………………………………………………. 20
Reference …………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………. 21
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Executive Summary
During my internship at the Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC), I had the pleasure of
acquainting myself with the world of recycling, in which waste management is one of the
significant activities. SIRC, which was founded in 2017 by PIF, is the one organization with a
mission of walking a green road towards the objectives of Vision 2030.
I was mentored by Mr. Waleed Atallah Alotaibi during his Technical Services and
Administration Department internship. The central part of my activities included:

Working on different projects.

Contract management.

Contract-making of admin contracts.

Cooperating with catering companies on contracts.
I was given a diverse pool of assignments on which I gained valuable experience in
communication, management, and research skills.
Besides, I could participate in the organization’s process, network with network industry
associates, and contribute to initiatives designed for better recycling technologies and better
Ultimately, the internship in SIRC was a great learning opportunity to experience the impact of
theoretical aspects in solving real-life problems and get the best instructor ever about all the
complexities of the waste management sector. The skills I will learn from this project will be
applicable in my future career while simultaneously being transferable to other fields of work.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
I cannot express my gratitude to those who assisted me through this educational and professional
pathway at the Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC).
Before any other, I thankfully give my kindest regards to my supervisor, Mr. Waleed Atallah
Alotaibi for being my role model, mentor, and ever-present supporter throughout my internship.
Thanks to him, I developed a new understanding of self-study and can navigate it more
Last but not least, the cooperation of Mrs. Mashael Alshehri, who has been a source of bright and
warm encouragement and constructive criticism and enriched my clear thinking of theories and
concept applications in workplaces, is another thankful spot from my side.
Also, I appreciate the friendship with the members of SIRC, which started with the spirit of
cooperating, sharing knowledge, and wanting to socialize. Without doing this, they had a
positive role in my indirect progress and in gaining strengths.
Finally, I would like to say many thanks to those who helped me at SIRC. They provided me
with a conducive environment and activities that helped me work on a meaningful project.
Honestly, I feel quite lucky to have had the help and guidance I have had. Now, I am eager to use
the knowledge and skills I gathered through the internship in my upcoming trials.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
This report provides a comprehensive, detail-oriented overview of my internship journey at the
Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC). In this document, I aim to summarize the
activities I accomplished, the tasks I carried out, and the learning outcomes I got from my work.
Aim of the Report
To be specific, my report will address my training experience at the SIRC the tasks that I have
done, the knowledge that I have acquired, the problems that I have met, and the lessons that I
have learned. By recording my achievements, I want to demonstrate the value of studying in
theory and allow others to see what I learnt in practice during the operations of one of the major
facilities that handles waste collection and management. This report is about sharing tips, advice,
and reflections with others and brings invaluable perspectives that others can adopt or improve
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Chapter one: About the company
Title of the company
The full name of the company is Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC).
A brief history of the company
The Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC), the Private Investment Fund (PIF)’s child,
has become a significant waste management player in Saudi Arabia since 2017. Haitham Hamed
is the SIRC CEO. Sewage has traditionally lagged behind other tech-savvy businesses. SIRC has
enabled sector modernization to meet Saudi Vision 2030 sustainability goals. SIRC began a big
technology project using SAP to reduce production workload and promote environmental
sustainability. SIRC’s kingdom-wide network includes modern recycling facilities. SIRC
promotes recycling innovations and a circular economy. Through collaboration with
governments, businesses, and educational groups, SIRC raises public understanding of waste
management and sustainability. The Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC), the Private
Investment Fund (PIF)’s child, has become a significant waste management player in Saudi
Arabia since 2017. Sewage has traditionally lagged behind other tech-savvy businesses. SIRC
has enabled sector modernization to meet Saudi Vision 2030 sustainability goals. SIRC’s
kingdom-wide network includes modern recycling facilities. SIRC promotes recycling
innovations and a circular economy. Through collaboration with governments, businesses, and
educational groups, SIRC raises public understanding of waste management and sustainability.
Mailing Address: Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC) King Fahad Road – AlMalqa
Dist. P.O. BOX 2302455 Riyadh 13524 Kingdom of Saudi Arabia
The company is owned entirely by the Sovereign Public Investment Fund (PIF), which is the sole
owner of SIRC. That means with 100% of shares being owned by PIF, the State Investment Rice
Corporation is single shareholder-owned, i.e., the single shareholder company. Such a system of
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
ownership implies that SIRC is not a publicly traded corporation, as its shares are not available
for purchase at any stock market anywhere. However, PIF solely holds shares, as well as all of
the rights to make decisions, because it caps the initial goal of the corporation, which is
environmental sustainability in Saudi Arabia.
SIRC is the novel name for the Saudi Investment Recycling Company, which operates in the
waste management and recycling industries. Above all, it strives for better waste management,
supports recycling, implements efficient consumption of resources, and propels the shift to a
circular economy model. As a part of SIRC, these activities are allocated such a goal to make the
environment state-held and can lead the sustainability course that Saudi Arabia is
committing to through its Vision 2030.
The Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC) in Saudi Arabia offers complete and
professional garbage management and recycling services. It designs comprehensive waste
management plans, runs modern recycling factories independently, consults businesses on
sustainability goals, provides environmental reporting to measure performance and improve, and
conducts recycling technology R&D. SIRC on resource optimization, ecological footprint
minimization, and circular economy infrastructure. SIRC helps solve environmental issues and
achieve Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 goals through its many operations.
At the Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC), 165 employees are contributing to its
operations. Here’s a simplified organizational chart representing key positions within SIRC:
Executive Leadership:
CEO and Managing Director
Chief Operating Officer
Executive Vice President
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Finance and Administration:
Director of Finance and Accounting
Head of QHSE and Compliance
Technology and Innovation:
Digitalization Director
Digital Solutions Senior Manager
IT Manager
Human Resources:
Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist
Procurement and Contract Specialist
This structure outlines the hierarchy of top management positions, departmental heads, and key
specialists within SIRC, each playing a crucial role in advancing the company’s mission and
Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC) sections promote trash management and
recycling. The Digital Technology Department promotes current technology and research new
developments. Operations at recycling facilities include daily management activities like
ensuring compliance with legislation. The Finance Department grants local non-profits that help
low-income families, sets the department’s operational budget, and provides financial reports to
the General Manager for strategic decision-making. The Corporate Affairs Group engages
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
stakeholders, and the Human Resources Team recruits and retains talent. Sustainability includes
green initiatives and administrative and regulatory compliance. Subsidiaries and business units
manage businesses and strategy. These departments can enhance resource consumption, boost
recycling, and meet Saudi Arabia’s Vision 2030 environmental sustainability goals through
SIRC performance system sequences varied resources, inputs, outputs, and limitations limiting
the produced process. Physical resources include recycling plants and machinery. Skills and
competencies are human capital, and financial resources are available. Waste materials from
diverse sites, technology and embedded equipment, labor, and energy are inputs. Processes
include gathering, sorting, processing, and reprocessing waste with defined quality control.
Reintroducing quality recycling products, resource conservation, and lower emissions are among
the benefits, as are economic implications, including revenue and employment development. We
can overcome regulatory compliance directions, technology restrictions, market demand
variances, and resource supply issues to establish this company venture. SIRC meets limits while
producing waste management and sustainable aims, taking an important step toward
environmental sustainability.
A process chart of a major product
1. Collection: Gather plastic waste.
2. Sorting: Separate by type and quality.
3. Cleaning/Shredding: Remove contaminants and shred.
4. Melting/Extrusion: Melt and form pellets.
5. Quality Control: Test for consistency.
6. Packaging/Distribution: Package for delivery.
7. Manufacturing: Use in product creation.
8. End-of-Life: Recycle or dispose responsibly.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
SIRC enhances telecom operations with control, monitoring, and hot standby. Oracle and
Microsoft SQL Server can arrange complicated waste management and financial and operations
data flows. Team chat options like Slack enable real-time collaboration and information sharing.
A comprehensive networking architecture, moving servers, routers, and firewalls, ensures data
security, resilience, and stability among SIRC sites. E-commerce solutions help clients easily get
what they need and reach more people with a simple strategy of creating flawless online orders.
SIRC’s product/service line activities undergo rigorous quality control throughout their life
cycles. All specifications and regulations are considered during our complete inspection of
imported materials. Production consistency is maintained through process control. Samples
undergo rigorous physical and chemical analysis to determine product/service quality. Products
are verified and validated before distribution. The methods show that obtaining falls meets client
needs. Consistent consumer input drives improvement projects, while peer quality management
ensures uniform material supply practices. These standards assist our team’s objective to
innovate and build entirely environmentally sustainable solutions by ensuring we provide topnotch services and products.
In the context of SIRC, we speak of corporate treasurers and financial managers, they implement the
result of financial analysis and decision-making for strategic planning and resource allocation. Common
techniques include:
Ratio Analysis: Liquidity, profitability, and leverage ratios can reveal financial issues and places
for improvement.
Capital Budgeting: Use NPV, IRR, and Payback Period analysis to analyze recycling facilities,
technological improvements, and expansion projects.
Risk Management: Rate risks and develop a plan to reduce financial risks such as currency,
interest rate, and commodity price volatility.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Cash flow analysis: Analyzing cash flow data by assessing liquidity, working capital, and
operational spending readiness.
Cost-Benefit Analysis: This process involves making informed decisions and allocating
resources. It requires assessing target plans’ financial and economic impacts, such as new
recycling machinery or product expansion.
At SIRC, various marketing, selling, and human resources analyses are conducted to support
strategic decision-making SIRC, various marketing, selling, and human resources analyses are
conducted to support strategic decision-making:
Cost System Analysis: Performance accounting systems track recycling costs, materials, labour,
and distribution, lowering tour operators’ costs and boosting profits.
Consumer Evaluation: Market research and consumer surveys help discover customers’
recycling and sustainable product preferences, trends, and unfulfilled needs, which inform
product development and marketing.
Product Strategy: Smart product strategies must identify market trends, competitors, and
demand patterns supporting product functions. It entails finding spots where new product
categories, differentiation opportunities, and division sections suit customer wants.
Distribution Strategy: Optimizing product distribution routes, supply chain management, and
logistics. This includes checking distribution networks’ efficiency and reliability to ensure they
can deliver goods on time and satisfy customers.
Promotional Strategy: Creating programs to boost brand awareness, purchase habits, and buyer
energy. This may include personalized advertising, social media, and sponsorship marketing
options for a target audience and market group.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Human Resources Analysis: Assessing the organization’s workforce competencies, skills gaps,
and training gaps to improve recruitment, training, and, most importantly, keeping people. Thus,
SIRC ensures that its team is qualified to support its business goals and continuous growth.
Chapter Two: Internship Activities
Just as an intern at the Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC), my supervisor, Waleed
Atallah Alotaibi, was able to help me. He filled a role as the head of the Facility and
Administration Department, ensuring that the workflow was as smooth as possible and that they
guided and helped the interns who worked under him.
In addition to my supervisor, several other team members within the Facility and Administration
Department complement my functions:
Procurement and Contract Specialist: His role is to maintain contract management and
procurement within the department, guaranteeing the acquisition of all the needed supplies and
services in time and with peace of mind.
Director of Finance and Accounting: Supervises the financial functioning of the department,
comprising budgeting issues, financial reports, and accountancy activities.
Head of QHSE and Compliance: This person maintains the quality, health, safety, and
environmental compliance in the department at the level of the law and sets standards. Therefore,
all department activities should meet the required regulations.
Digital Solutions Senior Manager: As the department’s digital champion, he facilitates the
adoption of technology advancements to optimize processes and quality.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Senior Talent Acquisition Specialist: Establishes and optimizes recruitment and talent
management processes to ensure the department has the needed skills and expertise to
accomplish its goals.
These individuals behind the scenes are a fundamental part of the smooth running of the Facility
and Administration Department’s operations. They bring their respective expertise to positively
impact the implementation of projects and programs.
I had the facility and administration section as my working place. Below is a detailed description
of this department along with its sub-divisions:
The Facility and Administration Department at SIRC manages the organization’s physical space,
building management, and administrative functions. Indeed, this division is vital to the
corporation and guarantees that the department’s facilities are functional, efficient, and
supportive of its goals.
The Facilities Management Division manages and maintains SIRC’s buildings, utilities, and
water. Planning and managing repairs, work orders, janitorial services, and safety and
compliance may be required.
Administrative Services Division: The Administrative Services Division handles daily
administration activities to keep the company running smoothly. This includes managing office
supplies and equipment, coordinating meetings and events, processing correspondence, and
aiding staff with administrative tasks.
The procurement and contracts division: the buying and supply department purchases all
necessary goods and services. It involves insourcing, negotiating, and contracting. The
department ensures SIRC gets all the resources it needs at reasonable prices by regulations and
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Health, Safety, and Environment (HSE) Division: The HSE Division prevents workplace
injuries and improves employee and visitor conditions. The section above develops, implements,
and enforces safety policies and procedures, conducts safety training, and oversees
environmental compliance.
Throughout my SIRC internship, I did many Facility and Administration tasks. For the first two
months, I oversaw Wala Plus contracts and the office. I also helped catering companies resolve
service contracts. These tasks taught me research, time management, and communication. A nice
lifestyle and adapting to a new environment were internship challenges. Time management and
coworkers have helped me overcome these problems.
In the second month, I recommended contract management, especially car rental and library
contracts. I negotiated and managed multiple assignments well. I often had tight deadlines and
complicated legal papers. Although her task was difficult, I accomplished it and improved my
project management and negotiation skills.
Before the month finished, I improved my research and analysis abilities by selecting suppliers
and analyzing data. My largest challenge was balancing tasks and other commitments, especially
during Ramadan. I was agile despite challenges. I adjusted and became productive. In
conclusion, my SIRC internship taught me about waste management and prepared me for work
My SIRC internship taught me strategic and soft skills, including communication, time
management, negotiating data, and analysis. My work was more meaningful since she could
handle multiple projects, coordinate with people, evaluate data to make decisions and deliver
findings to colleagues and top officials. My new time management skills helped me manage
various duties, and my presenting skills helped me negotiate favorable establishing agreements.
Due to my improved skills, I could efficiently complete my work as requested by the company.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
As a trainee in SIRC, I was incentivized to take the lead and conduct actions more proactively.
These incentives could include the following:
My positive feedback from my manager inspired me to work hard.
Mentorship: Experienced workers would teach me how to do my job.
Development Opportunities: Workshops, reading about my hobbies, and skills development
programs can assist me in reaching my career goals.
My relationships with other departments or industry events motivated me to network and learn
more about the field.
Performance-Based Rewards: I was motivated by a bonus, certificate of success, and other
incentives for a promotion after the internship.
The core intern managed contracts, suppliers, data analysis, and project coordination with the
Facility and Administration Department. I prepared agreements, reviewed, and negotiated,
researched suppliers, and managed the data to make project decisions. These jobs taught me
communication, negotiation, time management, analysis, and research. She learned how to lead
stakeholder groups, manage several projects, create deals, and use research and data to make
judgments. My internship gave me real-world exposure to all aspects of retirement home
management, which greatly improved my management career prospects. While in SIRC, I
participated in real duties and talked to coworkers, which helped me grow professionally and
The SIRC training classroom served as a place where I gathered multiple lessons, from minor to
significant, which facilitated my personal and professional development. Some of the key lessons
learned include:
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Applying classroom ideas to real-world problems improved our learning. It was practicality that
gave me perspective and wisdom.
Experience: Before coming, I needed help understanding the business. I learned I needed to
enhance my communication, problem-solving, and teamwork at the internship. Through work
and professional activities, I learned industry methods and expectations.
The education plan focused on professional advancement and provided insight into other firms
and industries. Working with industry specialists, taking comments, and facing workplace reality
increased my professionalism, self-confidence, and communication.
Networking: My internship is my first chance to meet industry peers and mentors. Strong
organization-industry relationships promote career prospects, mentorship, and partnerships.
Self-confidence and resilience: Interning despite challenges and adapting to new situations
might help you develop these skills. Every professional must master uncertainties, challenges,
and workload planning.
Chapter Three: Recommendations
Advantageous that helped me in completing the training program.
Several advantages contributed to the successful completion of the training program:
We would have perished without SIRC’s superiors, mentors, and coworkers. In tutoring sessions,
students can meet with instructors, receive comments, and use tools to address difficulties and
maximize learning.
Structured Programmer: The training programmer highlighted advancement goals and
milestones. Specified goals helped design and track internship goals.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Related Coursework: Coursework matched internship activities. I have experience with related
ideas, concepts, and approaches, which made professional applications easy.
Resources: Hardware, software, databases, and industry tools aided research and tasks.
Integrating all resources sped up company processes.
Adapting to shifting conditions worked best. With adaptability and genuity, the project may
quickly overcome unexpected challenges and adjust priorities.
Networking: Meeting in-house experts and businesspeople improved my perspective and helped
me. Networking and friendships led to jobs and skills. We expect great papers, and our writers
Effective learning requires a daily growth and learning mentality. Gaining confidence and
professional skills helped me feel accomplished. Thus, criticism, skill acquisition, and selfreflection have improved me personally and professionally.
Disadvantages and challenges that faced me and how I overcame them.
Despite the overall success of the training program, several challenges were encountered, along
with strategies employed to overcome them:
Work-Life Balance: I struggled with my internship and personal duties. To balance work and
life, I focused, set boundaries, and scheduled breaks.
Months with minimal tasks alternate between participation and expertise. Proactively
communicating with superiors showed them I was interested in new responsibilities and
initiatives in other areas.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
A new workplace and culture overwhelmed me. Inexperience and time spent learning from
peers, seeking mentorship, and participating in team activities to improve workplace integration
limited me.
I struggled with technology and software tools for certain assignments. More training and
problem-solving helped the technicians and staff learn faster and improve.
Communication issues: The team’s nations and ethnicities had language issues during the
project. Active listening, defining expectations, and inviting input helped me find the best
objective alignment.
Meeting project deadlines was the toughest, especially when they were suddenly changed, or
strikes and unrest occurred. Time management, splitting large projects into smaller ones, and
requesting help from supervisors or teammates helped me meet deadlines and do well.
Pressure to perform like the strong is exhausting and unpleasant. Self-care and appropriate
performance standards helped me overcome performance anxiety. I sought help or feedback
from mentors or coworkers.
Recommendations to improve the training program in the college.
To enhance the training program in the college, the following recommendations are suggested:
Customized Internships: Match internships to students’ academic and career goals. Locations
can be changed, but alignment and learning material are guaranteed.
Start the internship with clear expectations from the student and supervisor. The internship
requirements and expectations will be included. Clear expectations establish obligations and
teach pupils roles.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Offering internships in several fields encourages diverse experiences and careers. The main
reason students study abroad is personal growth, adaptability, and perspective.
Structured coaching: Offer internship-long guidance from seasoned experts. Mentors improve
soft skills and job orientation.
Professional Development One-on-one consultations, workshops, and seminars on the above
guidelines will help students apply their new skills to the job market.
Give students regular feedback to identify strengths and weaknesses and promote selfassessment.
Flexibility and adaptability: Fit remote or part-time internship courses into students’ schedules.
Flexibility makes education inclusive.
Evaluation and Assessment: Develop comprehensive evaluation and assessment tools to
evaluate the training program and identify areas for improvement. Quality and usefulness are
shown via frequent evaluation.
Alumni Engagement: Invite trained alums to talk to kids about their careers. Alum engagement
creates camaraderie and a great network.
Continuous Improvement: To stay current, update the curriculum with student feedback,
industry trends, and best practices.
Finally, the practical knowledge I have gained at Saudi Investment Recycling Company has
proved to be the best way of bridging the gap between theoretical university studies and practical
application. Trainees have had the opportunity to learn by doing, be mentored, and engage in on-
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
site assets and retreats to attain the requisite skills, know-how, and confidence to thrive as
professionals in the future economy.
Summary of Training Experience:
The training experience at Saudi Investment Recycling Company (SIRC) has provided trainees

Practical exposure to real-world scenarios and projects.

Guidance and support from experienced mentors and supervisors.

Opportunities for skill development and professional growth.

A platform to apply academic knowledge in a practical setting.

Networking opportunities and industry insights.
Overall, the training program has been instrumental in preparing trainees for their future
endeavors in the workforce.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences


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