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Description critical Thinking You are the IT manager for a small marketing company in Jeddah.  Your CEO has tasked you with developing the company’s


critical Thinking

You are the IT manager for a small marketing company in Jeddah.  Your CEO has tasked you with developing the company’s ethics policy since he is concerned about employees not using company resources in an ethical manner.

  1. What are common components of an ethics policy?
  2. What specific behaviors and activities will be prohibited?
  3. How will violations be discovered or reported?
  4. How will unethical behavior be deterred?
100 Points
Rubric Detail
Levels of Achievement
Exceeds Expectations
Meets Expectations
Some Expectations
33 to 35 points
29 to 32 points
26 to 28 points
0 to 25 points
substantial and
extensive knowledge of
the materials, with no
errors or major
Demonstrates adequate
knowledge of the
materials; may include
some minor errors or
Demonstrates fair
knowledge of the materials
and/or includes some
major errors or omissions.
Fails to demonstrate
knowledge of the
materials and/or
includes many major
errors or omissions.
33 to 35 points
29 to 32 points
26 to 28 points
0 to 25 points
Provides strong thought,
insight, and analysis of
concepts and
Provides adequate
thought, insight, and
analysis of concepts and
Provides poor though,
insight, and analysis of
concepts and applications.
Provides little or no
thought, insight, and
analysis of concepts and
15 to 15 points
13 to 14 points
11 to 12 points
0 to 10 points
Sources go above and
beyond required criteria
and are well chosen to
provide effective
substance and
perspectives on the
issue under
Sources meet required
criteria and are
adequately chosen to
provide substance and
perspectives on the issue
under examination.
Sources meet required
criteria but are poorly
chosen to provide
substance and perspectives
on the issue under
Source selection and
integration of knowledge
from the course is clearly
15 to 15 points
13 to 14 points
11 to 12 points
0 to 10 points
Project is clearly
organized, well written,
and in proper format as
outlined in the
assignment. Strong
sentence and paragraph
structure, contains no
errors in grammar,
spelling, APA style, or
APA citations and
Project is fairly well
organized and written
and is in proper format as
outlined in the
assignment. Reasonably
good sentence and
paragraph structure, may
include a few minor
errors in grammar,
spelling, APA style, or APA
citations and references.
Project is poorly organized
and written and may not
follow proper format as
outlined in the assignment.
Inconsistent to inadequate
sentence and paragraph
development, and/or
includes numerous or
major errors in grammar,
spelling, APA style or APA
citations and references.
Project is not organized
or well written and is not
in proper format as
outlined in the
assignment. Poor quality
work; unacceptable in
terms of grammar,
spelling, APA style, and
APA citations and
proficiency in
grammar and
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