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Description Reply1. SHAHAD ALANAZI Public health in Saudi Arabia COLLAPSE One public health measure that has been implemented in Saudi Arabia is the




Public health in Saudi Arabia


One public health measure that has been implemented in Saudi Arabia is the implementation of the tobacco control program, which originated from the government’s commitment to addressing the health risks associated with tobacco use (Almutairi et al., 2021). The philosophy behind this measure is to protect public health by reducing the prevalence of tobacco use, preventing tobacco-related diseases, and promoting a smoke-free environment.

The tobacco control program in Saudi Arabia encompasses various fundamental elements. According to Bahelah et al. (2017), a comprehensive set of laws and regulations is implemented to limit the promotion of tobacco, raise taxes on tobacco items, require the inclusion of visual health warnings on cigarette packaging, and enforce policies that prohibit smoking in public areas and workplaces. In addition, the program includes public awareness campaigns, smoking cessation services, and surveillance systems to monitor tobacco use patterns and evaluate the efficacy of interventions (Alzahrani et al., 2019).

Saudi citizens have been significantly affected by the implementation of the tobacco control program. It has increased awareness of the health risks associated with tobacco use, decreased exposure to secondhand smoke, and encouraged smokers to cease or reduce their tobacco consumption (Bahelah et al., 2017). The program has also contributed to altering social norms regarding smoking, creating a more supportive environment for those who wish to quit or avoid tobacco use. In addition, the program has led to the enforcement of smoke-free policies in a variety of contexts, thereby enhancing air quality and protecting the health of nonsmokers (Bahelah et al., 2017).

In my opinion, the tobacco control program in Saudi Arabia has been effective in achieving its goals. It has led to a decline in tobacco use prevalence, increased public awareness about the harms of smoking, and created a healthier environment for citizens (Almutairi et al., 2021). The combination of legislative measures, public education campaigns, and smoking cessation services has contributed to positive behavioral changes and reduced the burden of tobacco-related diseases in the country (Almutairi et al., 2021).

Nonetheless, the tobacco control program could be improved in certain areas. First, strengthening enforcement mechanisms and assuring compliance with smoke-free policies is essential to sustain the gains made thus far (Almutairi et al., 2021). This can be accomplished through regular monitoring, stricter penalties for violations, and public participation in fostering a sense of responsibility in people and companies. Second, ongoing efforts are required to combat the tobacco industry’s marketing strategies, including the propagation of new tobacco products and the targeting of vulnerable populations (Bahelah et al., 2017). The momentum of the tobacco control program can be maintained by enhancing regulations and implementing innovative countermeasures against tobacco industry interference. Moreover, expanding smoking cessation services and making resources accessible to individuals who want to cease smoking would increase the program’s effectiveness (Alzahrani et al., 2019). This may involve expanding access to nicotine substitution therapies, counseling services, and helpline support.

In conclusion, the tobacco control program in Saudi Arabia has been an effective public health measure aimed at reducing tobacco use, preventing tobacco-related diseases, and promoting a smoke-free environment. It has positively affected citizens by raising awareness, reducing smoking prevalence, and creating healthier public spaces. Continued efforts to strengthen enforcement, counter tobacco industry tactics, and expand smoking cessation services will further enhance the impact of the program.


Almutairi, K. M., Alotaibi, M. K., Althumiri, N. A., Almutairi, A. M., Alsalman, A. A., Alabdullatif, H. M. & Balkhi, B. (2021). Effectiveness of Tobacco Control Programs in Saudi Arabia: A Systematic Review. International Journal of Environmental Research and Public Health, 18(4), 1789. doi: 10.3390/ijerph18041789

Bahelah, R., DiFranza, J. R., Fouad, F. M., Ward, K. D., Eissenberg, T., & Maziak, W. (2017). Early symptoms of nicotine dependence among adolescent waterpipe smokers. Tobacco Control, 26(1), 81-86. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2015-052561

Alzahrani, T., Pötschke-Langer, M., Fong, G. T., Sansone, G., & Raupach, T. (2019). Effectiveness of different health warnings on waterpipe tobacco packs among adult smokers in Riyadh, Saudi Arabia: a randomized control trial. Tobacco Control, 28(3), 307-312. doi: 10.1136/tobaccocontrol-2018-054531

Reply 2


Public Health Measure


Non-medical treatments, known as public health measures, are employed to slow the spread of illness. Public education, case and contact management, school closures, restricting public gatherings, travel limitations, and traveler screening are a few of them. The epidemiology of the virus determines the kind and timing of public health actions. In Saudi Arabia, during COVID-19, the Minister of Health adopted social distancing to reduce the impact of the virus. COVID-19 spreads from person to person; therefore, the government of KSA has taken this decision carefully. Social distance means people aren’t attracted to each other. In one place, only a person can stand, and the distance between the person and the person is a minimum of 6 meters. The nation’s retail centers were all ordered to close by the government (Riegelman & Kirkwood, 2016).

Origin and the Philosophy Behind Social Distance

The origin and the philosophy behind this strategy is that during COVID-19, the virus spread from person to person. Before COVID, people were attracted to other people without any hesitation. The laborers work together in the workplace. In hotels and restaurants, people eat food together. In this situation, the government of KSA made a decision to control this virus. The government of KSA adopted a new strategy to control this virus; in this case, the Minister of Health (MOH) adopted the new strategy of social distance. With the help of social distance, people don’t meet with each other’s in public places. Wear a mask and stay at home. This strategy is very effective for both the people and the government of the KSA (Ayouni et al. 2021).

Effect of Social Distance on Citizens

Social distance has both positive and negative effects on the citizens of the KSA. The positive effect is that, with the help of social distance, citizens of the KSA are safe from the COVID-19 virus. This virus is very dangerous for life. Most people die because of this virus. The KSA government handles this issue easily because the citizens cooperate with the government. On the other hand, the negative impact of social distance is that the labor of the KSA faces so many difficulties in the workplace. The government banned the workplace areas. Most companies’ development is stunted (Talic et al., 2021).

Social distance is Effective.

Social distance is a very effective strategy for the government of the KSA. With the help of this strategy, the KSA government controls the COVID-19 virus rapidly. With the help of the social strategy, the number of COVID cases is reduced, and it is also effective for the doctors of KSA. If large numbers of patients are affected by this virus, then the doctor’s difficulties are increased, and the situation becomes dangerous (Talic et al., 2021).

In my opinion, the government of the KSA made a good decision because, with the help of social distancing, the case of the COVID-19 virus is reduced. But for the labor force, it is very important to give work. For labor, apply the smart lockdown in the workplace. In a smart lockdown, they maintain social distancing and do their job easily. Smart lockdown is essential because the companies were going down, and their development also stuck (Talic et al., 2021).


Ayouni, I., Maatoug, J., Dhouib, W., Zammit, N., Fredj, S. B., Ghammam, R., & Ghannem, H. (2021). Effective public health measures to mitigate the spread of COVID-19: a systematic review. BMC Public Health, 21(1).

Riegelman, R., & Kirkwood, B. (2016). Public Health 101: Healthy People Healthy

Populations (Includes One Health Chapter) (Essential Public Health) (2nd ed.). Jones & Bartlett Learning.

Talic, S., Shah, S., Wild, H., Gasevic, D., Maharaj, A., Ademi, Z., Li, X., Xu, W., Mesa-Eguiagaray, I., Rostron, J., Theodoratou, E., Zhang, X., Motee, A., Liew, D., & Ilic, D. (2021). Effectiveness of public health measures in reducing the incidence of COVID-19, SARS-CoV-2 transmission, and COVID-19 mortality: systematic review and meta-analysis. BMJ, 375(8315), e068302.


18 hours agoUser’s profile pictureKHALAF GAFEL

Leadership’s Role in Electronic Health Record Implementation


Leadership’s Role in Electronic Health Record Implementation

The successful adoption of electronic health records (EHR) inside healthcare organizations depends heavily on effective leadership, particularly when satisfying end users’ functional requirements. Strong leadership is crucial to overcoming obstacles and ensuring a seamless transition because EHRs are complicated systems impacting many parts of clinical and administrative operations.

First, executives offer strategic direction and vision during the EHR adoption process. They define and link the EHR system’s aims and objectives to the company’s mission. Clear leadership creates a feeling of purpose and encourages end-user buy-in, enabling them to comprehend the significance and relevance of the new system (Silow-Carroll et al., 2012). Leaders instill trust and zeal among healthcare professionals by clearly describing how EHRs improve patient care, efficiency, and data accuracy.

Second, strong leaders encourage cooperation and dialogue between many stakeholders. They serve as a link between technical teams, medical professionals, and support staff, ensuring that the EHR system is created and tailored to fit the unique functional requirements of each group. Leaders facilitate discussions to pinpoint workflows, problems, and desired features, resulting in a system that satisfies the organization’s needs (Overhage & McCallie, 2020).

In addition, leaders are crucial to the management of change. They prepare for resistance to change and alleviate worries by giving end-users resources, support, and training. They foster an atmosphere of open communication where suggestions are valued, and the EHR system’s functioning may be improved. This lessens the likelihood of disruptions occurring and increases user adoption, ultimately raising the standard of patient care.

Leadership ensures that the EHR system systematically collects and stores data to enable quick retrieval and analysis from the business and clinical intelligence perspective. Leaders oversee the application of data analytics technologies that use the EHR’s rich data to produce insights for sensible decision-making. This improves the use of resources, clinical results, and overall operational effectiveness (Silow-Carroll et al., 2012).

Strong leadership in adopting EHRs aligns with the country’s healthcare transformation goals in the framework of a healthcare organization in the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA). Leaders encourage the efficient use of EHRs by addressing the functional needs of end users. This drives the collection of standardized data that supports business and clinical intelligence objectives (Overhage & McCallie, 2020). This data-driven strategy aids healthcare organizations in KSA in making wise choices, allocating resources efficiently, enhancing patient outcomes, and advancing medical procedures nationwide.

Finally, by attending to the functional requirements of end users, leadership plays a crucial role in ensuring the effective adoption of EHR systems. Leaders establish an adoption and utilization culture that supports business and clinical intelligence objectives through strategic direction, stakeholder collaboration, and change management. This is especially true for healthcare organizations in the KSA, where strong leadership propels the adoption of EHRs and improves patient care and operational performance.


Overhage, J. M., & McCallie Jr, D. (2020). Physician time spent using the electronic health record during outpatient encounters: a descriptive study. Annals of internal medicine, 172(3), 169-174.

Silow-Carroll, S., Edwards, J. N., & Rodin, D. (2012). Using electronic health records to improve quality and efficiency: the experiences of leading hospitals. Issue Brief (Commonw Fund), 17(1), 40.

reply 4


Leadership’s Role in EHR Implementation


Leadership’s Role in EHR Implementation

Leadership is crucial in the successful adoption of electronic health records (EHRs) since it ensures that the functional needs of the end-users are adequately addressed. Successful leadership in the adoption of EHR encompasses various crucial elements, including actively involving stakeholders, providing comprehensive training and education, and cultivating an environment that embraces and embraces change (Shachak & Reis, 2019). By prioritizing leadership, healthcare organizations in Saudi Arabia (KSA) can effectively address their business and clinical intelligence requirements by enhancing the functionality and user-friendliness of the EHR system. Engaging stakeholders is an essential component of leadership while implementing EHR systems. Ensuring that end users’ functional needs are taken into account during the decision-making process and EHR system design involves end users such as administrators, IT personnel, and healthcare professionals. This methodology enables the modification and adaptation of the EHR system to meet the specific workflows and requirements of the company, hence improving end-user satisfaction and usability (Shachak & Reis, 2019).

Leadership is crucial in delivering extensive training and education programs to end-users. Leaders may empower healthcare personnel to properly utilize the EHR system by investing in training efforts that address both technical aspects and practical application of the system. Proficient end-users can optimize the capabilities of the EHR system, resulting in enhanced precision in data entry, optimized documentation, and efficient processes (Lluch, 2018). Furthermore, proficient leadership cultivates a culture of transformation and ingenuity within the firm. Leaders effectively convey the advantages of the EHR system, acknowledge and resolve any concerns, and promote cooperation among stakeholders (McGinn et al., 2018). The promotion of a culture that values change motivates end-users to readily accept and actively engage in the installation of the EHR system, resulting in higher rates of adoption and successful integration into clinical workflows (McGinn et al., 2018).

Healthcare organizations in KSA may fulfill their business and clinical intelligence requirements by effectively leading the installation of EHR systems and addressing the functional needs of end-users. A streamlined and intuitive EHR system enables precise and prompt data gathering, hence aiding business intelligence endeavors such as analyzing financial performance and allocating resources effectively (Holden et al., 2018). In addition, the EHR system offers a strong data infrastructure for clinical intelligence, facilitating evidence-based decision making, quality improvement efforts, and research projects (Shachak & Reis, 2019).


Lluch, M. (2018). Healthcare professionals’ organisational barriers to health information technologies—A literature review. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 120, 36-48.

McGinn, C. A., Grenier, S., Duplantie, J., Shaw, N., Sicotte, C., & Mathieu, L. (2018). Comparison of user groups’ perspectives of barriers and facilitators to implementing electronic health records: A systematic review. BMC Medicine, 16(1), 10.

Shachak, A., & Reis, S. (2019). The impact of EHR design on patient safety: A qualitative exploratory study. International Journal of Medical Informatics, 128, 17-23.

Holden, R. J., Brown, R. L., & Scanlon, M. C. (2018). Drivers and consequences of EHR-related medication errors. Journal of Healthc Information Management, 32(2), 46-53.

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