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Description Training Coop final report + PowerPoint slides. (Trainee in a purchasing department) Due in two days. So please make sure you can deliver


Training Coop final report + PowerPoint slides.

(Trainee in a purchasing department)

Due in two days. So please make sure you can deliver on time.


This final report assignment should be between 3100 words and 3500 words (Word file) + 10 PowerPoint slides about the final report.


The following are attached:

1- Assignment file with guidelines and instructions.

2- Old solution for the same assignment from another student, just so you know the structure of the report and how it’s done. 

Please read it first and make sure you can offer the same quality. DON’T COPY FROM IT BUT RATHER FOLLOW THE STRUCTURE AND THE FLOW.

3- Sample PowerPoint file. Use it for the slides. 


I will provide you in private with a file containing all my training information to use in the report.


College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Form No 4- Internship Report Cover Page
Student`s name:
Student`s ID #:
Training Organization:
Trainee Department: Accounting
Field Instructor Name:
Field Instructor Signature:
Course Title: FIN408
Internship Start Date:
Internship End Date:
Academic Year/Semester:
1st term 2023
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name:
Total Training Hours /280
Students’ Grade: Marks Obtained /30
Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Executive Summary
The internship at Modern Arch has been a transformative and enriching experience. Engaging in
various tasks, from learning the intricacies of the Qoyod program to conducting manual journal
entries and analyzing data on Excel, has fortified my foundational skills in accounting. The
hands-on experience extended to tasks like creating bills, checking customer invoice inventories,
and ensuring data conformity in bank statements.
The week-by-week progression has not only allowed me to navigate the practicalities of the
accounting world but has also instilled confidence in my ability to analyze data, prepare financial
statements, and think critically. Notably, the absence of significant difficulties during the
internship period facilitated a seamless and productive workflow.
The internship has provided a deeper understanding of institution’s operational dynamics,
emphasizing its commitment to quality, professionalism, and a diverse portfolio of services. The
recommendations for program enhancement aim to ensure a more structured and supportive
learning environment for future interns.
The internship at the institution has bridged the gap between theory and practice, equipping me
with valuable skills and insights for future endeavors in the field of finance. The experience has
been instrumental in shaping a well-rounded and competent professional.
I extend my sincere appreciation to the individuals who have played instrumental roles in my
successful completion of the internship at Modern Arch. My deepest gratitude goes to my field
instructor, Afrah, whose guidance and mentorship have been invaluable. Her insights into the
practical aspects of accounting have significantly contributed to my professional growth.
I am also thankful to my academic supervisor, Asma Alhazmi, for her continuous support
throughout the internship. Her encouragement and academic guidance have enriched my learning
experience. The positive learning environment she fostered has left a lasting impact.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
I extend my thanks to my colleagues at it for creating a collaborative and inclusive work
atmosphere. Their willingness to share knowledge and work together on various tasks has not
only facilitated a seamless workflow but has also contributed to a positive and enjoyable work
Executive Summary
Chapter 1: Description of the company
Chapter 2: Internship Activities
Chapter 3: Recommendations
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
This report serves as a comprehensive exploration of my internship journey at Modern Arch,
aiming to provide an in-depth understanding of the organization’s intricacies. It sheds light on
Modern Arch organizational structure, operations, and the pivotal role I played during the
training period. The primary objective is to bridge the gap between theoretical knowledge and
practical application, illustrating how academic insights were translated into real-world scenarios
at the institution. By delving into the day-to-day activities, challenges faced, and skills honed,
this report articulates the transformative impact on my professional development. It offers a
reflective narrative on the practical nuances encountered during the internship, showcasing the
symbiotic relationship between academic learning and hands-on experience, ultimately
contributing to a holistic understanding of the dynamic corporate environment at Modern Arch.
Chapter 1: Description of the company
Company Overview:
Full Title: Modern Arch
Brief History: Modern Arch, a cornerstone in the Saudi Arabian business landscape, traces its
roots back to a vision of providing holistic designs solutions. Established with a focus on
commercial, interior design, Architecture, Establishment, Furniture and Transportation.
Ownership Type: Private Limited
Sector: Modern Arch strategically positions itself as a dynamic player operating across various
sectors. The primary emphasis is placed on key sectors, a focus on commercial, interior design,
Interior Design, Architecture, Establishment, and Furniture. This strategic diversification enables
Modern Arch to navigate a broad spectrum of designs, showcasing its adaptability to different
market demands and economic landscapes.
Products/Services: Modern Arch’s extensive portfolio encompasses a wide array of services,
demonstrating the organization’s versatility. The offerings include, but are not limited to:
1. Contracting: Modern Arch engages in cotracts with another to do contracting for doing
construction work.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
2. Manpower Supply: The Company provides skilled manpower to support various designs,
ensuring clients have access to a reliable workforce tailored to their specific needs.
3. Trading: Modern Arch is involved in trading activities, facilitating the exchange of benefits
across different projects.
This diversified portfolio not only demonstrates Modern Arch’s adaptability but also positions
the company as a comprehensive solution provider capable of meeting the multifaceted demands
of its clientele.
Customers/Clients: Modern Arch’s client base is characterized by its diversity, encompassing a
wide spectrum of stakeholders:
1. End-Users: Individuals or entities directly utilizing the final services offered by Modern Arch.
2. Manufacturers: Companies engaged in the production of goods may collaborate with Modern
Arch for the supply of raw materials or other essential components.
3. Employees: Modern Arch workforce contributes to the internal dynamics of the organization,
playing a crucial role in the successful execution of projects and services.
Organizational Structure:
Organization Chart: The organizational chart illustrates Modern Arch’s hierarchical structure,
emphasizing clear lines of communication and collaboration across different departments and
divisions. This structure reflects Modern Arch’s commitment to maintaining a cohesive and
efficient operational environment.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
As of my training period, the size of the workforce serves as a testament to Modern Arch’s
dedication to operational excellence and its ability to manage a diverse array of projects and
Production System/Service Procedure:
Overview: Modern Arch prides itself on a meticulously orchestrated designing system that
harmoniously integrates materials, manpower, and cutting-edge technology. This synergistic
approach is meticulously designed to ensure not only optimal operational efficiency but also the
seamless delivery of a diverse range of products and services. From conceptualization to
execution, Modern Arch’s designing system is a testament top precision and adaptability. The
strategic fusion of essential elements within this system reflects the organization’s commitment
to maintaining the highest standards of quality throughout every phase of the production
lifecycle. This commitment not only reinforces Modern Arch’s operational prowess but also
underscores its dedication to meeting and exceeding client expectations through the consistent
delivery of unparalleled goods and services.
Process Chart
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Process Chart
Project Planning
Site assessment, budgeting, and timeline setting
Sourcing construction materials, equipment, and
Design and Engineering
Interior Design, Architecture, Establishment, and
Quality Control
Embedded checkpoints to ensure compliance with
design standards
Integration of various components with rigorous
Secure packaging of the final product
Efficient logistics for transit
Final handover to the client
Major Fit Question
Navigating Modern Arch’s Corporate Landscape In the intricate tapestry of Modern Arch,
several key domains play a pivotal role in shaping the company’s operational dynamics.
Exploring major fit questions in Finance and Accounting, IT and Telecommunication
Technologies, Quality Planning and Control, Financial Analysis and Decision-Making, and
Marketing, Selling, and Human Resources Analysis offers profound insights into Modern Arch’s
commitment to excellence.
Finance and Accounting:
Modern Arch’s financial backbone is fortified by a steadfast commitment to integrity,
underpinned by rigorous adherence to accounting and finance standards. The company’s
dedication to transparency and industry best practices is evident through the implementation of
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
specific principles tailored to ensure financial probity. These principles act as guiding beacons,
instilling a sense of trust and reliability in Modern Arch’s financial operations.
IT and Telecommunication Technologies:
In the digital age, Modern Arch thrives on the pulse of technology, leveraging cutting-edge
telecommunication tools. The integration of databases, instant messaging, networking, and ecommerce technologies forms the technological backbone of Modern Arch’s day-to-day
operations. This seamless integration ensures efficient communication within the organization
and facilitates the effective management of data, enhancing overall operational efficiency.
Quality Planning and Control:
At the heart of Modern Arch’s commitment to excellence lies an unwavering emphasis on quality
planning. Every project undergoes meticulous conceptualization, ensuring that from its very
inception, it is designed to not only meet but also exceed high-quality standards. This proactive
approach sets the stage for the integration of robust quality control measures at every stage of the
product or service life cycle. Stringent checks and balances are ingrained, ensuring that end
designs consistently meet or surpass the expectations of Modern Arch’s discerning clientele.
Financial Analysis and Decision-Making:
The financial landscape of Modern Arch is navigated with precision, guided by a diverse array of
analysis and decision-making methods. Corporate treasurers and financial managers at Modern
Arch employ strategic methodologies, contributing to the company’s long-term financial
sustainability and fostering effective strategic decision-making. The intersection of financial
acumen and strategic foresight positions Modern Arch as a resilient entity in the ever-evolving
business landscape.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Marketing, Selling, and Human Resources Analysis:
Modern Arch’s market presence is not merely a result of chance; it is a product of deliberate
marketing strategies characterized by innovation and adaptability. The company strategically
positions its services in the market, responding adeptly to the evolving needs of its diverse
clientele. Concurrently, Modern Arch’s human resources management system forms a robust
framework, incorporating sophisticated cost systems, comprehensive consumer evaluations, and
strategic product strategies. This holistic approach extends to distribution and promotional
strategies, fostering a harmonious and effective work environment.
Chapter 2: Internship Activities
The core of this report delves into the intricacies of my internship experience at Modern Arch.
This section illuminates various aspects, including working conditions, team dynamics,
departmental insights, and a detailed breakdown of tasks and activities undertaken.
Working Conditions and Functions: During the internship, I reported to Ms. Afrah, my
supervisor and the head of the Accounting department at institution. Her role involved
overseeing and guiding my daily tasks, ensuring a seamless integration into the team. The
collaborative environment was enriched by the presence of other team members, each
contributing unique skills and expertise. The team dynamic fostered a supportive atmosphere,
promoting knowledge exchange and effective teamwork.
Departmental Overview: The Accounting department, where a significant portion of my
internship was centered, serves as the financial backbone of Modern Arch. It comprises several
sub-divisions, each specializing in distinct facets of financial management. These sub-divisions
include Accounts Payable, Accounts Receivable, Cost Accounting, and Financial Reporting.
Tasks and Activities: My training period encompassed a spectrum of tasks and activities,
contributing to a holistic understanding of financial management and accounting processes.
Some of the key activities include:
1. Learning Qoyod Program: Acquiring proficiency in the Qoyod program was an initial
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
focus. This involved understanding the system’s functionalities and becoming adept at
navigating its interface.
2. Manual Journal Entries: I was responsible for executing manual journal entries for
various projects, gaining hands-on experience in recording financial transactions
3. Excel Data Recoding: An essential task involved recoding data in Excel, and rectifying
any discrepancies or records that were previously not documented.
4. Customer Invoice Inventory Check: Verifying the inventory of customer invoices
ensured accuracy in financial records and streamlined billing processes.
5. Manual Entry for Technical Programs: Creating manual entries for technical programs
honed my skills in adapting financial systems to specific project requirements.
6. Client Billing and Receipt Voucher: Completing a billing cycle for a fully paid client,
followed by creating a previous receipt voucher, provided insight into the financial
closing process.
7. Bank Entry Data and Account Statement Reconciliation: Ensuring conformity
between entry data and bank statements involved meticulous examination to identify and
rectify any discrepancies.
8. Tax Value Calculation: Calculating the total value of tax further expanded my
understanding of financial computations within the organization.
9. Sales Invoices and Bond Creation: The creation of sales invoices, coupled with the
generation of bonds to facilitate invoice payments, underscored the intricacies of revenue
10. Sales Invoice and Previous Bond Creation: Understanding the remaining amount in
sales transactions involved the creation of sales invoices and corresponding previous
11. New Bond for Draft Sales Invoice: Creating a new bond for draft sales invoices, along
with modifying statements to indicate payment status, added complexity to financial
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
12. Bond Received and Bond Paid: Executing bond received and bond paid transactions
showcased the practical application of financial instruments in a real-world setting.
13. New Account Creation in Chart of Accounts: Adding a new account under operational
costs within the chart of accounts highlighted the adaptability of financial systems to
organizational needs.
In essence, these activities collectively provided a comprehensive learning experience, allowing
me to apply theoretical knowledge in a practical setting and enhancing my proficiency in
financial management processes. This detailed exposure not only strengthened my understanding
of accounting practices but also nurtured valuable skills in data analysis, financial reporting, and
critical thinking. As the internship unfolded, the tasks became progressively intricate, fostering a
hands-on approach to financial management within the dynamic framework of Modern Arch.
Gained Skills and Value Addition
The internship at Modern Arch served as a transformative experience, equipping me with a
diverse skill set that significantly enhanced my professional capabilities.
Gained Skills:
My ability to execute accounting tasks independently saw significant growth during the
internship. From manual journal entries to intricate financial analyses, the experience fostered a
sense of self-reliance in financial management. The internship honed my skills in problem
identification and resolution, proving invaluable in tasks such as reconciling bank statements and
rectifying data inconsistencies.
Data analysis became second nature, particularly evident in tasks such as tax value calculation
and conformity checks. This proficiency in interpreting complex financial data contributed to
informed decision-making. Moreover, the creation of various financial statements, including
sales invoices and bonds, cultivated expertise in financial statement preparation.
The internship also nurtured critical thinking skills, especially in scenarios requiring complex
financial decisions. Multitasking and time management became essential skills, balancing
various responsibilities while adhering to deadlines. Additionally, learning and navigating the
Qoyod program showcased adaptability to new technological tools, and effective communication
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
within the team proved vital for smooth collaboration and knowledge exchange.
Value Addition to Work:
These acquired skills significantly enhanced the value of my work at Modern Arch. They
streamlined processes, reduced error margins, and added efficiency to various financial tasks.
For instance, my independent accounting proficiency allowed for quicker turnaround times in
manual journal entries and financial statement preparation. The ability to identify and resolve
discrepancies ensured the accuracy of financial records, contributing to the overall reliability of
the company’s financial reporting.
Tasks Beyond Major:
In addition to finance-related tasks, I was involved in client billing and receipt vouchers. While
directly related to finance, these tasks also provided insights into client interactions and
satisfaction, offering a holistic view of customer relationship management. Additionally, tasks
such as inventory checks and conformity with bank statements required cross-functional
collaboration, fostering a broader understanding of organizational dynamics.
Incentives for Proactivity:
As a trainee, Modern Arch provided incentives to foster proactivity and productivity.
Recognition of accomplishments, mentor feedback, and opportunities to lead small projects
served as motivational incentives. Additionally, the company encouraged continuous learning by
providing access to training resources and seminars.
Working Documents and Analyses:
I actively contributed to the creation of various financial reports, including income statements,
balance sheets, and cash flow statements. Tasks such as conformity checks involved the creation
of detailed reports analysing financial data, ensuring accuracy and compliance. Furthermore, my
work with the Qoyod program included comprehensive documentation on its functionalities,
serving as a guide for future reference.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Bridging Theory and Practice
The internship at Modern Arch provided a unique opportunity to bridge theoretical knowledge
acquired in the classroom with practical applications in a real-world setting. This section draws a
comprehensive comparison between theory and practice, highlighting the alignment between
academic courses and tasks performed during the training.
Comparison Between Theory and Practice
Principles of Accounting (Course Code: ACCT101):
This course equipped me with the fundamental principles of financial accounting, emphasizing
the preparation of financial statements and manual journal entries. The tasks during the
internship, such as manual journal entries and financial statement preparation, directly applied
the theoretical concepts learned in ACCT101.
Course Title
Related Tasks
Principles of Accounting (ACCT101)
Manual Journal Entries, Financial Reports
Corporate Finance (Course Code: FIN201):
Theoretical knowledge from corporate finance guided me in understanding financial decisionmaking methods and strategic planning. The internship involved applying these financial
decision-making methods, aligning with the strategic financial management principles learned in
Course Title
Related Tasks
Corporate Finance (FIN201)
Financial Decision-Making, Strategic Planning
Risk Management (Course Code: FIN301):
This course provided insights into risk management principles and strategies. The internship
tasks, especially those related to conformity checks and identifying discrepancies, incorporated
risk management principles to ensure financial accuracy.
Course Title
Related Tasks
Risk Management (FIN301)
Conformity Checks, Discrepancy Resolution
Work Samples
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Incorporating work samples into the report serves as tangible evidence of the application of
theoretical concepts. Graphical representations of conformity checks, financial data analysis
trends, and design calculations for tasks like tax value determination provide a visual
understanding of the practical applications.
Lessons Learnt
1. Practical Application Enhances Understanding:

Observation: The internship highlighted the practical relevance of theoretical
concepts, enhancing my understanding of financial accounting and corporate
finance principles.

Learning: Performing tasks based on theoretical knowledge deepened my
comprehension and ability to apply financial concepts in real-world scenarios.
2. Integration of Courses:

Observation: The interconnectedness of courses became evident during tasks that
required a holistic understanding of financial management.

Learning: Integrating theories from various courses allowed for a more
comprehensive approach to solving complex financial challenges.
3. Invaluable Hands-on Experience:

Observation: The hands-on experience gained during the internship provided
insights beyond what textbooks could offer.

Learning: Practical experience is invaluable in honing skills and gaining a
nuanced understanding of financial tasks.
4. Real-world Application of Financial Tools:

Observation: The use of financial tools and software in a real-world setting
showcased the importance of technological proficiency.

Learning: Navigating tools like the Qoyod program demonstrated the practical
applications of technology in financial management.
5. Cross-functional Collaboration:

Observation: Tasks requiring collaboration across departments emphasized the
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
importance of cross-functional understanding.

Learning: Beyond finance courses, the internship emphasized the significance of
collaboration in achieving organizational goals.
Chapter 3: Recommendations
During the course of the internship at Modern Arch, several advantageous aspects significantly
contributed to the successful completion of the training program. These recommendations aim to
highlight the positive elements that played a crucial role in enhancing the overall training
Firstly, the hands-on exposure to a diverse range of tasks and responsibilities proved to be highly
advantageous. Engaging in activities such as manual journal entries, financial statement
preparation, and conformity checks provided practical insights into the day-to-day operations of
a finance department. This experiential learning not only solidified theoretical knowledge but
also fostered a deeper understanding of financial principles.
Furthermore, the absence of significant difficulties during the internship period was a notable
advantage. The seamless execution of tasks without encountering major challenges allowed for a
smooth workflow. This positive working environment enabled the student to focus on learning
and applying new skills, contributing to a more productive and enriching training experience.
The supportive and collaborative work culture at Modern Arch also merits recognition.
Interactions with colleagues and supervisors were marked by a willingness to share knowledge
and provide guidance. This collaborative atmosphere encouraged open communication and
facilitated a conducive learning environment. The presence of a mentor, Supervisor Afrah,
played a pivotal role in offering guidance and ensuring a constructive learning trajectory for the
Additionally, the diverse nature of tasks assigned during the training period contributed to the
development of a broad skill set. From accounting and financial analysis to data recording and
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
quality control, the student gained proficiency in a spectrum of activities. This versatility not
only enhanced the student’s ability to multitask but also provided a holistic understanding of the
finance domain.
Overcoming Challenges
During the internship at Modern Arch, various challenges surfaced, providing valuable
opportunities for growth. This section explores the obstacles faced and the strategies employed to
overcome them.
One challenge involved the limited exposure to specific finance functions. Despite engaging in
diverse tasks, the student desired more in-depth involvement in certain aspects of finance.
Proactive communication with the supervisor opened avenues for future assignments aligned
with the student’s interests.
Another challenge was the absence of participation in formal meetings, which the student had
anticipated. Seeking feedback and engaging in informal discussions with colleagues and the
supervisor became crucial in gaining valuable insights.
Recommendations for Improvement
This section offers recommendations to enhance the overall training program based on the
challenges encountered. Suggestions include a more structured system for matching students
with internship placements tailored to their specific interests. Additionally, advocating for a
proactive role of the college in facilitating formal meetings or seminars for interns could provide
a deeper understanding of organizational dynamics. Establishing a feedback mechanism between
students and the training organization is recommended to foster a more customized and
beneficial internship experience.
Recommendations for the Training Company
As a result of the internship experience at Modern Arch several recommendations are proposed
to further enhance the training program for future interns. These recommendations are centred on
optimizing the learning environment and ensuring a more impactful internship experience.
1. Structured On boarding Process: A structured on boarding process for interns,
including comprehensive orientations, would provide a clearer understanding of the
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
company’s expectations, policies, and work culture. This can contribute to a smoother
integration into the work environment.
2. Task Diversification: Further diversification of tasks could be beneficial to expose
interns to a broader range of activities within their field of study. This ensures a more
comprehensive learning experience and enables interns to apply their theoretical
knowledge in various practical scenarios.
3. Formal Mentorship Program: Implementing a formal mentorship program where each
intern is assigned a mentor within the company can foster a supportive learning
environment. This mentorship can provide guidance, facilitate skill development, and
enhance the overall training experience.
4. Incorporating Regular Feedback Sessions: Establishing regular feedback sessions
between interns and supervisors can enhance communication channels. This feedback
loop enables interns to express their concerns, seek guidance, and ensure that both parties
are aligned in terms of expectations and goals.
Conclusion and Summary of Training Experience
The internship at Modern Arch has been a valuable and enriching experience, providing insights
into the practical application of theoretical knowledge. Engaging in diverse tasks, from manual
journal entries to financial statement preparation, has not only strengthened foundational skills
but also broadened my understanding of the finance domain.
The absence of major challenges facilitated a focused and productive work environment,
allowing for a seamless execution of tasks. The collaborative work culture and the guidance
provided by Supervisor Afrah played pivotal roles in shaping a positive learning trajectory.
In conclusion, the internship at Modern Arch has contributed significantly to the development of
a diverse skill set and a deeper understanding of the intricacies of finance. The recommendations
outlined aim to enhance the training program for future interns, ensuring a more structured and
supportive learning environment. Overall, the training experience at Modern Arch has been
instrumental in bridging the gap between theory and practice, fostering professional growth, and
preparing for future endeavors in the field.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Form No 4- Internship Report Cover Page
Student`s name:
Student`s ID #:
Training Organization:
Trainee Department:
Field Instructor Name:
Field Instructor Signature:
Course Title:
Internship Start Date:
Internship End Date:
Academic Year/Semester:
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name:
Total Training Hours /280
Students’ Grade: Marks Obtained /30
Level of Marks: High/Middle/Low
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Academic Report Guideline(Co-op)
(please do not include this text in the final report, just follow its guidelines and
use the cover page above)
The report should be submitted within two weeks after you finish your Co-op training Program.
In addition, the report should be approximately 3000 – 4000, single –spaced and consider taking the
following format
General instructions for writing the final report:
The report must be written in English language.
The word limit is 3000-4000.
If the report word count is not within the required word limit, marks will be deducted.
The font size is 12, Times New Roman, justified, 1.5 space.
Main headings use font size of 16 and bold.
Add page numbers in the middle bottom of the page.
Plagiarism or copying from other sources will result in ZERO marks.
This report must be submitted on Blackboard (WORD format only) via the allocated folder.
Your work should be clearly and completely presented; marks may be reduced for poor presentation. This
includes filling your information on the cover page.
Assignment will be evaluated through BB Safe Assign tool. Late submission will result in ZERO marks
being awarded.
First Page
The first page should display the student’s full name, internship start and finish dates, working hours per
week, company/institution name, and the cover page.
The field instructor should sign on the first page.
A Brief Executive Summary of the Internship
A one-page summary of the company/institution and a short account of the major activities carried out
during the internship period.
To allow the student to express her/his thankful and gratitude to individuals (such as: field instructor,
academic supervisor, colleagues…etc.) who help them in carrying out and completing her/his training
journey. This part will aid the students to learn basic elements of academic writing. To express their
appreciation in a concise and professional manner.
Table of Contents
Contents of the report with page numbers, list of tables, and list of figures.
A brief of the report. The Aim of the report.
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
Chapter 1: Description of the company
This section should answer the following questions:
What is the full title of the company/institution?
Give a brief history of the company, full mailing address and relevant weblinks
What is the type of ownership of the company/institution?
State the main shareholders and their shares.
What is the sector that the company/institution operates in?
Specify the products and services produced and offered to its customers/clients.
Who are regarded as the customers/clients of your internship company (consider the end users, retailers,
other manufacturers, employees,etc.)?
Provide an organization chart of the company, along with information on the number of employees.
Provide a list of functions performed by different departments/divisions in the internship organization.
Provide an overview off the production system or service procedure (what are the resources, inputs,
outcomes, andconstraints?)
Provide a process chart of a major product and/or service.
The following questions can be classified as your major fit (Finance, Accounting, Ecommerce and
• What kind accounting/finance/IT//quality/marketing standards and principles are used in the
• Discuss telecommunication technologies (Database, Instant Messenger, Networking, Ecommerce tools)
used in the company.
• Describe the quality planning and control activities in the internship organization.
• Describe the quality control activities throughout the life cycle of the product/service groups
• What kind of financial analysis and decision-making methods are used by corporate treasurers and
financial managers in the internship organization?
• What types of marketing, selling, and human resources analysis are performed (cost system, evaluation
of consumers, needs, product strategy, distribution strategy, promotional strategy)?
Chapter 2: Internship activities
This is the main body of your report. During the internship period, the focus of the training may on the
following types of analysis and questions. You do not have to answer all the questions in the list: •
Describe your working conditions and functions, such as: Who is your supervisor (include his/her name
and his/her position); other team members or co-workers and what their functions are to complement
• Provide a detailed description about the department(s) that the trainee did her/his training with them.
Adding all sub-divisions for this department(s) if it is available. Student can add to this description a
supported chart.
• Detailed descriptions about all tasks and activities that the trainee did them during her/his training
• Gained skills and how they added value to your work
• Other tasks that are not related to the trainee’s major that done by her/him at the company should be
included in this chapter as well.
• What types of incentives did you get as a trainee to be more proactive and productive?
College of Administration and Finance Sciences
• Describe what kind of working documents and analysis you did there and what experiences you have
gained throughout yourtraining. Provide examples of your work.
• A comparison between theory (things you have learned in the classroom) and practice (things you did or
observed at the company) must be made and highlighted. In this section the student can add a supported
table includes which academic course (s) (course title and code) helped to perform training tasks. For
example, two columns; the first one shows the course name and second column shows the tasks
performed and related to this course.
• Show some work samples that you have encountered/conducted at the company through graphs,
pictures, data, drawings, or design calculations and include them in your report.
• Lessons learnt (what the overall benefits gained from the training program)
Chapter 3: Recommendations
• Advantageous that helped the student in completing the training program.
• Disadvantageous and challenges that faced the student and how he/she did overcome them.
• Recommendations to improve training program in the college.
• Recommendation for the training company. Conclusion Sum up and summary of the training
experience. Reference If it is needed Appendix (option) This will help the instructor to have a background
about the trainee and his/her previous experiences. Also, it helps the students in writing their CVs for
future job application especially for fresh graduates who do not have previous practical experiences.
• Basic information (name, city, contact details…etc.).
• Job objectives.
• Academic qualifications.
• Practical experiences.
• Skills this will help the instructor to have a background about the trainee and his/her previous
Course Name:
Student’s Name:
Course Code:
Student’s ID Number:
Academic Year: 144 /144 H
For Instructor’s Use only
Instructor’s Name:
Students’ Grade:
Level of Marks:
Secondary address separator
Secondary address
Thank You

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