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Directions There are few individuals in the world who have not been impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19). While some individuals


There are few individuals in the world who have not been impacted by Coronavirus (COVID-19). While some individuals may experience mild symptoms with COVID-19, such as a cough and fever, others may become severely ill and require hospitalization. While individuals over the age of 60 and those with pre-existing conditions are at an increased risk of developing serious illness, COVID-19 can affect anyone.

Initial Post

For your initial post, research the family of coronaviruses and then share what you learn about how a typical coronavirus compares to the SARS-CoV-2 that causes COVID-19. What does it mean for a virus to mutate and what could this mean to the process of developing immunity? Many people have chosen to get vaccinated while others have not. What are the benefits of getting vaccinated and are there any scientific or medical reasons (excluding personal or religious reasons) that could serve as reasonable contraindications to being vaccinated or that would justify prolonging this medical intervention?

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