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FIELD NOTES (FN) WITH THEORETICAL APPLICATION (FN = 25 pts): 3 home visits with field notes with


3 home visits with field notes with theoretical application worth 5 points each, plus completion of all maps, diagrams, and tools w/score sheets total points as shown below: 

You will choose and clear with instructor a family to interview for completing a Family Case Study (FCS) in which one member has a chronic illness or on occasion there may be a condition that ‘significantly’ impacts the family unit. Prior to actually conducting a “family visit” for your assignments, you MUST gain written consent from the family.
Failure to obtain and upload a signed consent form from your family prior to your first home visit will result in minus 5 points (see Appendix A). Print two copies of the consent form so that the family can keep one and the student can have one to upload into the appropriate Assignments tab. Three visits are required, with specific activities planned for each visit (described below in Field Notes), that must be written in the form of Field Notes (a professional clinical note describing the ‘essential information’ you would leave in a client’s file for other professionals to read). Maintain field notes for each of the three family visits, and document family
assessment activities—keep a copy of the
assessment form you use for your visits to submit as an Attachment with your Field Notes where you describe the
assessment results). 

The main idea is to gather as much detail about the encounter, then taking these detailed field notes during the visit you will write a’ professionally written field note in APA format’ describing the ‘essential elements of your assessment’. Upload the professionally written field notes and accompanying assessment form/s (and any required Diagrams noted below for each visit—(Genogram/Power Diagram/etc ) into the appropriate Assignment tab. Themes to cover include a family health history with a three generation health Genogram (initials/age/ health condition of each), demographic information, discussion of the chronic health condition of a member, family development, family structures (communication, roles-formal/informal, values, and power & decision making), as well as family functions (sexual, reproduction, socialization, attachment, & economic). Theoretical application of three theories are described below.

Field Notes: 3 family home visits 8-9 pts each = 25 pts + assigned attachments 5 pts/ 30% of total grade

The notes from the three visits must be submitted to the Assignment tab within one-two weeks of the actual family visit.
The 3 visits will have these
required activities: 

Home Visit #1: Family Introduction with semi-structured interview: using the Calgary Family Assessment model in Shajani & Snell, 2019 (as appendix, type & submit at least 10 questions you asked from
the Calgary Assessment model: Structural Assessment pp 54-86), and Genogram – three generations with family health information)

· Visit 1: Field note with interview questions in appendix (7 points)

· Theoretical application of Family Developmental theory (Duvall, 1978) (2 points)

· Three generation genogram with legend (1 pt.)

Home Visit #2: Family Structured Interview: choice of one tool (FSOC by Antonovsky, the FCI, or Circumplex Model by Olson, (including scoring criteria) and 
Family Ecomap. A description of the scoring criteria with a discussion of the process must be included in the text and you will include the 
Calgary Assessment model: Ecomap (pp 86-88).

· Visit 2: Field note (6 point)

· Theoretical application of Symbolic Interactionism (2 points)

· Ecomap (1pt.)

· family assessment tool with completed score sheet (SOC/FSOC/SOC-13 or Circumplex) (1 pt.)

Home Visit #3: Family Communication Style and Family Power to address Family Function (
Calgary Assessment model: Instrumental and Expressive pp 118-137) utilizing a family activity for data collection: can use a variety of approaches to engage/observe communication such as: Family game or activity such as a family Collage, Sculpture, or Album.
Include the Family Attachment and Family:  Power diagrams, and Family discussion questions.

. Visit 3: Field note (6 point)

. Theoretical application of any other major family theory from the reading that best fits your FCS (2 points)

. Power diagram (1 pt) 

. Family Attachment diagram (1 pts)

Field Notes with theoretical application should be 4-5 pages of text, plus the diagrams; all should use APA Format —see rubrics in Canvas for more grading details.

A note about Theoretical Application: 

As students become acquainted with family theories in this course, you will begin to apply theoretical concepts to your selected family The application of theory needs to contain the major points of the theory, as well as how key points are demonstrated in the life of that family. Please cite your sources for the theory content. Textbooks are secondary sources, so be sure to reference these. Use the correct citation format for secondary sources (as cited in….) when you are using the textbook rather than the original source (see page 63 & 258 of the APA 7th ed manual). Please write these ‘applications of theory’ in a scholarly, as well as reflective manner. Also, limit direct quotes to NO MORE THAN one per short paper, and only when it cannot be paraphrased without losing the essence of the content

Visite 1:

1. Who are the members of your immediate family, and how are they related to one another? Could you also share a bit about your family’s immigration history and how it has impacted your relationships and functioning ?This family immigrated from Iran almost 13 years ago. Leila is 49 years old. She is married and has two boys, aged 14 and 22. Immigration was very challenging for them, as they had to adjust to a new culture and navigate life without knowing English. They tried to go to some community colleges or occupational centers to learn English and find jobs. Leila was a social person, so she was able to adjust faster and found some friends. At the same time, she was able to find a job in a doctor’s office. However, it was very difficult for her husband to adjust. He tried to find a job, but he couldn’t. As a result, his role completely changed from what it was in Iran, where he was the one taking care of the whole family, while Leila was the one taking care of the household chores and the kids. Now Roozbeh stays home and taking care of their kids.

2. Are there any extended family members who play a significant role in your family’s life, either here in the United States or back in Iran? If so, who are they, and what are their relationships to the family?

“ in the United States, one of my old friends (we were classmates in high school), Sahar, and her family live nearby. Sahar has been a huge help to us since we immigrated, assisting with things like navigating the school system and healthcare services for our children. Our families spend a lot of time together”.

3. How would you describe the boundaries between family members and subsystems (e.g., parental subsystem, sibling subsystem)? Are they clear, diffuse, or rigid? Have these boundaries been influenced by your cultural background or the process of adapting to life in the United States?

“Adapting to American culture has led to some changes in family boundaries, such as our children having more autonomy than we did growing up in Iran.”

4. What are the roles and responsibilities of each family member? Are these roles explicitly defined or more implicit? Have these roles changed or been influenced by your family’s cultural background and the process of adapting to life in the United States?

I answered it in first question

5. How does your family typically communicate with one another? Are there any communication patterns or styles that stand out? Are there any specific Iranian cultural practices or expectations that shape how your family communicates?

“We communicate openly and honestly as a family. Family dinners are important for staying connected. We express affection through words and actions. Our communication style blends Iranian and American influences – we’re more direct than some Iranian families but still prioritize respect.”

6. When your family encounters a problem or challenge, how do you typically go about solving it? Who is involved in the decision-making process? Are there any Iranian cultural norms or values that influence your problem-solving strategies?

7. Are there any significant events or experiences in your family’s history that have shaped your relationships or functioning as a family, such as your immigration experience or any challenges or triumphs you faced during that process?

“Immigrating to the U.S. was a defining experience for our family. It brought challenges like learning a new language and culture but also opportunities. Becoming U.S. citizens was a proud moment. Our shared immigrant experience has made us more resilient and appreciative of one another.

8. How does your family express affection and emotional support towards one another? Are there any Iranian cultural practices or expectations that shape how your family expresses affection and support?

“We express affection through words, hugs, and quality time together. Celebrating Iranian holidays and traditions is one way we show love and stay connected to our heritage. We’ve adapted some American customs, like Thanksgiving parties, which weren’t as common in Iran.”

9. Are there any Iranian cultural, religious, or spiritual beliefs or practices that are important to your family’s identity and functioning? How have these been maintained or adapted in the United States?

“Our Muslim faith is central to our family identity. We pray together, celebrate Islamic holidays, and find strength in our beliefs. Iranian cultural traditions, like Nowruz (Persian New Year), are also important. We’ve adapted some practices to fit our American context, like incorporating both Iranian and American foods into holiday meals.”

10. Considering the history of cancer in your family, how has it impacted your family’s structure, roles, and relationships? Are there any cultural or religious beliefs that may shape your family’s understanding of and response to the illness? How has your family’s immigrant status affected your access to healthcare and support services?

“My father’s passing from cancer was difficult for the whole family. It challenged family roles and led to grief and stress. Supporting my mother from a distance is ongoing. The experience highlighted the importance of family and faith. As immigrants, navigating the healthcare system and finding culturally sensitive support was challenging at times. However, it also revealed our family’s resilience.”

Visit 2:

I would recommend using the Family Sense of Coherence (FSOC) tool for your assessment. The FSOC seems particularly relevant for this family

Visit 3:

Activity choice: Family Collage

Engage the family in creating a collage that represents their family identity, values, and experiences. Provide them with materials such as magazines, newspapers, photos, scissors, glue, and a large piece of paper or poster board. Observe their interactions, communication, and decision-making processes as they work on the collage together.

Observations based on the Calgary Assessment Model:

– Verbal communication: The family members speak a mix of Farsi and English. The parents tend to use more Farsi, while the children use more English. Communication is generally respectful and clear.

– Nonverbal communication: Family members show affection through physical touch, such as hugs and hand-holding. Eye contact is consistent, and they appear engaged with one another.

– Emotional expression: The family openly expresses a range of emotions, from laughter to tears, as they share memories and experiences while creating the collage.

– Problem-solving: The parents encourage the children to contribute ideas and opinions. They work together to make decisions about the collage’s content and layout.

– Role allocation and power distribution: The parents provide guidance and direction, but the children are actively involved in the process. The family appears to have a balanced power distribution.

Family Power Diagram:

Create a visual representation of the power hierarchy within the family. In this case, you might show the parents at the top, with the children slightly below, indicating a balanced distribution of power and shared decision-making.

Family Attachment Diagram:

Illustrate the emotional bonds between family members using a diagram with connecting lines. In this example, you might show strong, supportive connections between all family members, with a particularly close bond between the siblings.

Discussion Questions:

1. What values or experiences do you feel are most important to your family’s identity?

2. How do you typically make decisions as a family?

3. How do your cultural background and immigration experience influence your family’s communication and relationships?

4. What strategies does your family use to cope with challenges or disagreements?

Field Note:

In your professional field note, describe your observations of the family’s communication style, power dynamics, and emotional bonds during the collage activity. Discuss how the family’s interactions and responses to the discussion questions relate to the Calgary Assessment Model’s Instrumental and Expressive domains.

Theoretical Application:

Apply the Family Systems Theory to analyze the family’s functioning. This theory emphasizes the interconnectedness of family members and how each individual’s behavior affects the entire system. Discuss how the family’s communication patterns, power dynamics, and emotional bonds contribute to their overall functioning and resilience, particularly in the context of their immigration experience and cultural background.

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