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file attached Read “Case 14.3: AI at Airbnb” and write an essay that answers the following questions: 1. How has Airbnb’s

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Read “Case 14.3: AI at Airbnb” and write an essay that answers the following questions:

1. How has Airbnb’s business model transformed the travel industry?

2. How does Airbnb use sentiment analysis to improve its services?

3. How does text mining help Airbnb gain insights from guest reviews?

4. How does Smart Pricing help Airbnb hosts set the best price for their properties?

5. How can AI be used to help businesses strategically place themselves in a market based on data?

6. What are some potential drawbacks or ethical concerns of using AI in the hospitality industry?

7. How has the implementation of AI in Airbnb affected the revenue for both hosts and the company?

8. Can the use of AI in hospitality improve guest experiences? How?

9. How might AI be used in the future to further enhance the hospitality industry?

10. How might Airbnb’s use of AI influence the use of AI in other industries? 


· There is no specific page requirement for your analysis. Instead, your work will be evaluated based on how thoroughly it addresses each of the questions that have been outlined for you.

· You must utilize proper APA formatting and citations throughout your paper. If you use any supporting evidence from external sources, it is imperative that you provide accurate citations for each reference.

· You must include a minimum of two sources from scholarly articles or business periodicals, aside from the course textbook. 

· Include your best critical thinking and analysis to arrive at your justification.    

· Please note that any use of AI text generation tools such as ChatGPT is strictly prohibited and will result in a grade of zero due to plagiarism.

Read “Case 15.2: Uber AI” and write an essay that answers the following questions:

1. How has Uber’s use of AI and machine learning helped the company to gain a competitive edge in the transportation industry?

2. What are some examples of how Uber uses AI to improve the user experience for both drivers and riders?

3. What role does data play in Uber’s business model and how does AI help to analyze and make sense of this data?

4. How has Uber’s use of AI and machine learning impacted customer retention and demand prediction?

5. What are some potential future applications of AI and machine learning in the transportation industry, and how might Uber be at the forefront of these developments?


· There is no specific page requirement for your analysis. Instead, your work will be evaluated based on how thoroughly it addresses each of the questions that have been outlined for you.

· You must utilize proper APA formatting and citations throughout your paper. If you use any supporting evidence from external sources, it is imperative that you provide accurate citations for each reference.

· You must include a minimum of two sources from scholarly articles or business periodicals, aside from the course textbook. 

· Include your best critical thinking and analysis to arrive at your justification.    

· Please note that any use of AI text generation tools such as ChatGPT is strictly prohibited and will result in a grade of zero due to plagiarism.

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