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For question 1, refer to the paragraph and data below: Researchers were interested in examining how children with autism see and understand the world.

For question 1, refer to the paragraph and data below:

Researchers were interested in examining how children with autism see and understand the world. Participants included children diagnosed with autism and typically developing children, who were all approximately the same age. Children were randomly assigned to view different stimuli on a large computer screen for two minutes. The stimuli were either social (i.e., people’s faces) or nonsocial (inanimate objects). The number of seconds children spent looking at the stimuli was recorded (ranging from 0 to 120). The results are presented below:

DV: Time spent looking at stimuli

IV1: Type of Stimuli



IV2: Diagnosis of Autism

With Autism



No Autism



1.   State each of the research questions associated with this factorial design and conduct the necessary calculations to answer them. Then, describe/interpret the results for each question. Assume that differences greater than or equal to 5 are significant.Note: In your responses, use the actual names of the variables instead of labeling them IV1 or IV2.

Research Question 1:

Results for RQ 1:

Research Question 2:

Results for RQ 2:

Research Question 3:

Results for RQ 3:

See next page for Questions 2-4

For questions 2-4, refer to the paragraph and data below:

Seasonal affective disorder (SAD) is a type of depression during seasons with less daylight. One therapy for SAD is phototherapy, which involves the use of increased exposure to light to improve mood. A researcher tests this therapy by exposing different samples of SAD patients to different intensities of light (low or high) in a light box, either in the morning or at night. Participants then rated their mood following this therapy on a scale from 1-10. The data are presented below.

DV: Rating of Mood

IV1: Light Intensity



IV2: Time of Day


n = 5

M = 3

n = 5

M = 7


n = 5

M = 3

n = 5

M = 9

2. Fill in the missing values in the ANOVA table.








     Main Effect of IV1


     Main Effect of IV2


     Interaction (IV1 x IV2)





3. What is the critical F value for each hypothesis test associated with this design?     Assume that alpha is 0.01

4. Write an APA style results statement for each hypothesis test associated with this factorial design.     Assume that alpha is 0.01

Results Statement for Research Question 1:

Results Statement for Research Question 2:

Results Statement for Research Question 3:

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