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foundations of gerontology Chapter 15 – Dementia & Delirium Instructions: Chapter 15- Dementia and Delirium   H.D. is a

foundations of gerontology

Chapter 15 – Dementia & Delirium


Chapter 15- Dementia and Delirium


H.D. is a 78-year-old man who comes to see his physician for an annual checkup. You are the nurse in the office. His clinical problems include obesity, hypertension, low back pain, peripheral neuropathy, atrial fibrillation and mild dementia. H.D.’s wife mentions she is most concerned about his driving. Upon the mentioning of his driving, H.D. becomes distressed but agrees, sharing that his daughter that lives close does not feel comfortable with him driving the grandchildren home from school. H.D. says “most of the time I feel fine” but reports having some “dizzy” spells in the past few months. He also mentions that he has had some “close calls” in the past couple of weeks while driving.

1. What risk factors does H.D. have at the present time?

2. What types of tests would be useful in determining the extent of his dementia on his driving?

3. What kind of counseling would you give to H.D?. and then the family?

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