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general psychlogy Description: For this assignment, you’ll be designing a more effective approach to studying for your

general psychlogy


For this assignment, you’ll be designing a more effective approach to studying for your struggling friend using your knowledge of how memory works.



STEP 1: Understand Your Friend’s Situation.  

Imagine that one of your best friends is struggling with his classes. He aspires to graduate in exercise science and earn a degree in occupational therapy, but he failed his first two chemistry exams. He’s feeling nervous about his performance and comes to you for advice. During your discussion, you learn that:


· he gets easily frustrated while working on chemistry problems after approaching them the way he has always approached problems in his other classes

· he is sleeping less than five hours a night

· he works on chemistry homework every Tuesday and Thursday night but not on other days

· he always keeps his phone on vibrate to check if he gets messages while he studies

· he usually studies by re-reading the chapter

· he pulls all-nighters before exams

Step 2: Develop a More Effective Study Plan.

Based on what you’ve learned from your friend, create a more effective study plan for him.  

In your 2-3 page paper or an 8-10 slide PowerPoint, explain to him why his studying habits are ineffective and what steps he can take to improve his success in the course. Include appropriate vocabulary from this module on memory and anything else you’ve learned about consciousness and problem-solving from our other modules. Remember that by crafting this study plan for your friend, the suggestions can also help improve your approach to learning! 

Step 3. Submit. 

Your assignment should be in a Word document or PowerPoint slideshow, written in APA format (12-point font, double-spaced), and supported by research and in-text citations.

When you have completed the assignment, select the “Submit Assignment” button at the top of these instructions and choose a format for submitting your assignment.

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