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Hacker Group Presentation Hacking, like many parts of our society today, has gone from an almost “hobbyist” level to a massive

Hacker Group Presentation

Hacking, like many parts of our society today, has gone from an almost “hobbyist” level to a massive global “business”. At the top of the pile are threat actors with a high level of skill and vast resources.

These threat actors come in a variety of guises—there are APT groups, CaaS (Cybercrime-as-a-Service) groups, and hacktivists. Some of these groups have stood out by their actions, their longevity, their methods, or a combination of all three.

This is an individual assignment.


For this project, you will select one of these groups to research and then prepare a presentation on your findings. The presentation needs to be 5-7 minutes and should contain slides.


Choose an APT or hacker group from the following resource lists:

List of hacker groups

Links to an external site.


Advanced Persistent Threat Groups (APT Groups)

Links to an external site.


(Your choice is not limited to the groups you find here.)

Your assignment is to create a presentation of approximately 5-7 minutes in length, and needs to address the following questions:


· Where did they originate from?

· What are the demographics of the group?

· How long have they been operating for?

Achievements or notable attacks

· What are the hacks or activities that made them notable?

· Who or what were their primary targets?

· What techniques are they known for and which tools do they typically use?


· What has been the impact of their actions?

· Did the group affect history in any way?

· Are they actively changing our society or culture for better or worse?

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