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Hi All, Welcome to Week 3. We are moving along in the course, and you all are doing well! This week, we will discuss Differential Diagnoses and

Hi All,

Welcome to Week 3. We are moving along in the course, and you all are doing well! This week, we will discuss Differential Diagnoses and Diagnostic Testing. You have three assignments this week: a case study, a quiz, and an I-Human. Please review the requirements for these assignments.

Assignment 1 : Diagnostic Reasoning 

Include the following: 

· Identify the patient’s chief complaint. 

· Identify the most appropriate physical exams and diagnostic tests to gather more information about the patient’s condition. Be specific and explain your reasoning. 

· Explain how the results would be used to make a diagnosis. 

· Identify 
5 possible conditions that may be considered in a differential diagnosis for the patient. Explain your thinking. 
 Supporting your thinking with APA Peer-reviewed literature

Assignment 1 case:

 20 y/o female college student has had abdominal pain for the last 2 weeks. Some mornings, she has nausea and vomiting, but today, she is here with abdominal cramps and nausea. She has lost 8 pounds while having no appetite. She has been having diarrhea for the last few days. No past medical/surgical History or relevant social history






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