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i need help FORMATTING FOR ALL WRITTEN ASSIGNMENTS (I will not accept any papers that do not follow these formatting guidelines): 1. Make sure

i need help

(I will not accept any papers that do not follow these formatting guidelines):

1. Make sure that you submit your paper with a cover page and work cited page that follows the

examples from former students that are provided in your respective folders;
2. One-inch margins (top, bottom, left, and right);
3. Use 12-point Times New Roman only;
4. Paper must meet the minimum required page length.
5. Make sure that your spacing between each sentence and paragraph is double-spaced. There

should not be more spacing between each paragraph when compared to each sentence or vice

6. Last name with page numbers should be placed in the top right hand corner of the paper (e.g.
Smith 1);

7. The use of block quotes is unacceptable for any written paper, nor the excessive use of
regular quotes, unless I approve it;

8. All submitted papers must be in a .doc., docx., or .pdf format or they will not be accepted. I
prefer .pdf files, but will accept the others as well;

9. All papers are to be submitted via dropbox.

From a formatting perspective, if your paper does not look identical to the examples from former

students provided with your other resources, you will be penalized points. In other words, make

sure that you have a cover page, header with last name, one-inch margins all around, 12-point

Times New Roman, and at least 2 complete pages. I strongly recommend that you write beyond

2 pages just to make sure that you are meeting the required page length. The reason I say this is

because I have had students who did not use the proper margins, font size, or spacing, and when

I go back and correct the formatting, their paper was actually short the required minimum which

caused them to lose a significant amount of points. Some students have intentionally used

incorrect formatting so that the paper appears to be longer in length than it actually is. In other

words, it is easy for me to use 2-inch margins, triple-spacing between sentences and each

paragraph, and Courier New or Arial font, which will make an actual 1-page paper appear to

be 2 pages. (See how the spacing between this sentence and the above sentence is

wider/inconsistent?? This is a no-no J.) I do not want to penalize anyone points, so please make

sure to follow the formatting guidelines above.

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