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In this assignment, you will create a comprehensive culmination presentation and portfolio that displays your understanding of the core academic

In this assignment, you will create a comprehensive culmination presentation and portfolio that displays your understanding of the core academic activities, your personal experiences as it relates to core academic activity objectives, and your plans for professional development aligned with course learning objectives.

Course Learning Objectives:

1. Apply knowledge about learning organization theory, process, and practical steps to create and maintain a learning organization.

2. Apply current theories and concepts of leadership (e.g., change theory, situational leadership, transformational leadership; distributed leadership; servant leadership; authentic leadership; and social justice leadership) to the creation and maintenance of a learning organization

3. Complete leadership assessment instruments to learn about personal leadership aptitude and styles

4. Use the Learning Organization Assessment Instrument to collect and analyze data about an organization and make recommendations for improvement based on the results.

5. Select examples of organizational conditions or leadership actions that create positive attitudes toward change.

6. Develop a plan to build capacity, assess the status of the school in relation to the plan, and ensure that when the plan is put into operation it will serve to close the gap between the status quo and the desired outcomes articulated in the plan.

7. Complete classroom-based assessments to address FELE competencies and skills, and FPLS standards.

Administration: The Key Assessment for EDA 6196 is due in both Canvas and Watermark SLL for students are who are in the
K-12 School Leadership concentration only. Students who are not in the School Leadership need only to upload their Key Assessment to Canvas.

Content: After successful completion of Activities 1-4, you now have clarity on expectations of each organizational development/learning component. In a presentation format using a tool such as Canva, Prezi, PowerPoint, Google Slides (or a similar platform), you will display your individual findings of each component. This should include your strengths and weaknesses. 

Core Activity 1

Reflection based on your perceptions of how your learning organization would fare using the 2 assessment tools.

Core Activity 2

Identify and select appropriate strategies that assure faculty and staff will work as a learning organization focused on continuous improvement of student learning.

Analyze and determine appropriate strategies that enhance a school’s climate and support student engagement in learning.

Evaluate and apply effective strategies  high expectations for student learning gains.

Identify and discriminate among effective strategies that engage faculty and staff in order to improve academic performance and close achievement gaps among student subgroups. 

Core activity 3:

Identify appropriate methods of developing potential and emerging leaders.

Identify and evaluate strategies for delegating tasks.

Differentiate among strategies for succession management in key positions.

Identify and assess teacher-leadership functions focused on improving instructional effectiveness and student learning.

Core activity 4:

Gives priority attention to decisions that impact the quality of student learning and teacher proficiency.

Uses critical thinking and problem-solving techniques to define problems and identify solutions;

Evaluates decisions for effectiveness, equity, intended and actual outcome; implements follow-up actions; and revises as needed.

Empowers others and distributes leadership when appropriate; and,

Uses effective technology integration to enhance decision making and efficiency throughout the school.


1. Reflect on the core academic activities completed throughout the course.

2. Develop a PowerPoint or similar presentation format to highlight key insights and learnings from these activities.

3. Ensure that the presentation is well-organized, visually appealing, and effectively communicates your understanding of course content and concepts.

4. Include specific examples, data, or evidence to support your reflections and demonstrate mastery of course material.

Portfolio of Experiences:

1. Compile a portfolio that showcases your academic and professional experiences relevant to the course learning objectives and core academic activities 1 through 4.

2. Include artifacts such as reflections, papers, presentations, or any other relevant materials that demonstrate your knowledge and skills.

3. Provide brief annotations or reflections for each artifact, explaining its significance, relevance to course objectives, and the skills or competencies it represents.

4. Organize the portfolio in a logical manner, with clear sections or categories to facilitate easy navigation and understanding.

Professional Development Display (in the form of a timeline or other):

1. Present elements of your professional development related to the course learning objectives.

2. Include evidence of participation in workshops, seminars, conferences, or other professional development activities relevant to the course content.

3. Reflect on how these experiences have contributed to your growth as a professional and your understanding of the course material.

4. Discuss any challenges faced during your professional development journey and how you have overcome them to enhance your skills and knowledge.

5. Align your short term goals to the Florida Educational Leadership Standards


( Core activity 1 )

( Core activity 2 ) Part 1: Importance of Demonstrating Competency

FELE Competency 1, Leadership for Student Learning,” highlights how important it is for school administrators to prioritize student learning by using strong leadership techniques. This skill is essential for a number of reasons. First and foremost, it guarantees that the school operates as a learning organization with an emphasis on ongoing improvement. It takes flexibility and a dedication to lifelong learning to meet students’ changing demands in the fast-paced educational environment of today.

Through exhibiting the abilities listed in this competency, school administrators can cultivate a welcoming environment that encourages student involvement. An setting that is favorable for learning is enhanced by a healthy school climate, which also affects student motivation and general academic success. Furthermore, strong leadership in this field encourages both educators and students to aim for excellence by setting high standards for the learning gains of their pupils.

Furthermore, increasing academic performance and reducing achievement gaps among student subgroups depend heavily on the ability to recognize and put into practice techniques that engage professors and staff. Proficiency in this domain by a school administrator can result in a more equal and inclusive learning environment for every student, guaranteeing that a range of needs are met.

To summarize, the demonstration of FELE Competency 1 is crucial in establishing an organization that prioritizes learning, cultivating a favorable school environment, establishing elevated standards for student learning, and mitigating achievement disparities. The general success and wellbeing of their kids are greatly enhanced by school administrators who are very proficient in this ability.

Part 2: Observations of Competency in Practice

I have observed effective applications of FELE Competency 1 in school leaders in practice. One principle I saw, for example, actively involved staff and faculty in professional development opportunities targeted at boosting teaching practices and improving student learning results. This showed a dedication to creating a learning organization with an emphasis on ongoing development.

On the other hand, I have also seen bad instances, like a school administrator who disregarded the worries of the faculty and failed to put good plans in place to raise student participation. A less-than-ideal learning environment was produced by this disregard for student needs and faculty engagement.

These illustrations emphasize how crucial it is for school administrators to have the abilities listed in Competency 1. While bad examples highlight the implications of ignoring these characteristics, positive examples highlight the need of giving student learning and continual improvement top priority.

Part 3: Demonstrating Competency in Professional Practice

I intend to use a variety of strategies to illustrate Competency 1 in my own professional practice as a school leader. Firstly, I will make sure that faculty and staff have access to training that improves their teaching techniques and is in line with the school’s objectives for student achievement by giving priority to chances for continued professional development.

I’ll also make an effort to actively include parents, teachers, and kids in order to foster a healthy school climate. My goal is to create a collaborative and encouraging atmosphere that will increase students’ interest in studying.

I will measure and analyze student progress using data-driven methodologies in order to set high goals for learning gains. This will enable focused interventions and modifications to teaching strategies to guarantee ongoing progress.

One of my main leadership priorities will be closing achievement disparities. My objective is to ascertain and execute efficacious tactics that not only involve academic staff and faculty members but also cater to the distinct requirements of varied student subgroups. Targeted interventions, culturally sensitive teaching methods, and a dedication to equity and inclusion may all be part of this.

To sum up, I will be exhibiting Competency 1 by proactive leadership, continuous professional growth, creating a pleasant school environment, establishing high standards, and addressing achievement disparities. By taking these steps, I hope to help build a learning organization that prioritizes student achievement and ongoing development.

(Core activity 3) For school administrators, it is crucial to have the ability to foster and develop potential leaders within the institution. This helps to create a culture of growth and development, ensuring the continuation of successful leadership. Identifying and cultivating future leaders, assigning tasks wisely, establishing succession plans, and empowering teacher-leaders to enhance instruction are essential. Strong leaders encourage teamwork, support a healthy pipeline of future leaders, and improve the overall effectiveness of the organization and the academic performance of its students.

Effective educational administrators exhibit proficiency in FELE Competency 3 by utilizing various approaches to foster and develop up-and-coming leaders within their establishment. Positive examples include:

· Identifying talented individuals and providing them with mentorship and professional growth opportunities.

· Encouraging participation in school groups and projects.

· Pairing mentees with experienced mentors.

· Offering leadership training programs.

These strategies support the development of future leaders and foster an environment where learning and progress are ongoing processes within the organization.

Negative instances include ignoring potential leaders or failing to provide sufficient support and direction for their growth. In such cases, talented individuals may feel they need to be more appreciated or supported, leading to disengagement and attrition. Additionally, unclear expectations or inadequate support when assigning tasks may result from poor delegation techniques, causing confusion and inefficiency.

Another crucial component of this competency is succession management. Proactively preparing for leadership transitions by identifying and developing key position successors or implementing leadership development programs are positive examples. Conversely, a lack of succession planning or reliance on ad hoc methods may lead to disruptions in leadership continuity, ultimately affecting the organization’s overall stability and effectiveness.

Effective school administrators understand teacher leadership is crucial to improving student learning and instructional effectiveness. Encouraging instances include granting teacher-leaders the authority to assume positions like mentors, curriculum developers, or instructional coaches. These teacher-leaders are critical in promoting peer professional development, sharing best practices, and creating a collaborative learning environment. However, if teacher-leadership responsibilities are not acknowledged and encouraged, it may result in missed opportunities to improve instruction and lower overall student success.

In summary, school administrators who exhibit proficiency in FELE Competency 3 proactively foster and develop leaders within their establishment by implementing strategic development programs, efficient delegation techniques, proactive succession planning, and recognition of the contributions of teachers in leadership roles. These procedures support a vibrant and robust organizational culture, ultimately enhancing student learning and performance.

School leaders plan to demonstrate competency in cultivating, supporting, and developing organizational leaders by prioritizing mentorship and professional development opportunities. They will establish mentorship programs to pair emerging leaders with experienced mentors, fostering a culture of collaboration and continuous learning. Additionally, They will provide targeted professional development opportunities tailored to staff members’ individual needs and career aspirations, ensuring they have the skills and knowledge necessary to succeed in leadership roles. They will also actively involve teachers in decision-making and recognize their contributions to instructional improvement and student learning. By empowering and investing in the growth of emerging leaders, They aim to create a supportive and dynamic organizational culture that promotes leadership development at all levels.

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