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Julian Osborne 1.             No, there isn’t one unique or singular Hispanic/Latino

Julian Osborne

            No, there isn’t one unique or singular Hispanic/Latino identity. Hispanic/Latino identity is complex and diverse, encompassing people from various countries, cultures, and backgrounds. It includes individuals with different languages, traditions, and experiences. The term “Hispanic/Latino/a/x” is an umbrella term that acknowledges this diversity within the community.

         One identity term that may be new for some is “Latinx.” This term is used as a gender-neutral alternative to “Latino” or “Latina.” It aims to be inclusive of individuals who identify outside the traditional gender binary.

             Moya’s emphasis on the importance of the terms that individuals choose for their identity is valid. Identity is deeply personal, and the terms people use to describe themselves can reflect their sense of self and their experiences. Respecting and acknowledging the terms that individuals prefer empowers them to assert their identity on their own terms.

4.              Applying the lessons learned in understanding the complexities of Hispanic/Latino identity can involve being more mindful and respectful of diversity within the community. This can manifest in interactions with others, such as using inclusive language and recognizing the unique experiences of different individuals. Additionally, reflecting on one’s own identity and the terms that resonate with oneself can lead to greater self-awareness and understanding.


Luis Maldonado

6. With what was covered in lesson 1, I feel you cannot just use a blanket term for Spanish speakers because so many different cultures from different regions talk to Spanish. Yes, much of it concerns our history and what countries invaded and took over others, but as time progresses, societies evolve. For example, I am a Nuyorican because I am a Puerto Rican born in New York; if I were born on the island, I would be Boricua. Just little words and titles to help differentiate cultures. A term that I’ve heard before but never really understood is Hispano. Hispano is this term preferred by a subpopulation located primarily in the southwest of the US, which identifies with the Spanish settlers of the area and not with the Mexican settlers.  Yes, you should be respectful of what people prefer to be called, but I feel in today’s society, people are soft and want to play the victim any way they can, so if you make a mistake and call someone something incorrectly, I feel it’s not a big deal. I feel that lesson one covered a lot of good information, and seeing the numbers of Spanish speaking countries made me want to better my Spanish even more so I can use it in the real world.

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