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Legal Research and Writing – Week 1 Assignment Primary Authorities Use your preferred web browser to respond to the

Legal Research and Writing – Week 1 Assignment

Primary Authorities

Use your preferred web browser to respond to the following:


1.         a.         Give the name of the case located at 474 U.S. 254 (1986).

b.         Review the quotation on page 265 of the case relating to stare decisis. In what way does stare decisis help the Court ensure that the law develops properly?


2.         a.         Give the name of the case located at 569 U.S. 184 (2013).

b.         Who delivered the opinion of the Court?

c.         Who dissented?


3.         a.         Give the name of the case at 567 U.S. 50 (2012).

b.         Give the date the case was argued and the date the case was decided.


4.         a.         Give the name of the case at 555 U.S. 223 (2009).

            b.         Briefly describe the general topic of this case.

c.         What was the holding in this case?

d.         What was the “vote” in this case?


5.         Locate and review the case published at 299 U.S. 259 (1936). What is an appellate court’s duty when it appears upon appeal that a controversy has become entirely moot?


6.         Locate and review the case published at 706 F. Supp. 2d 380.

a.     In which district court was this case decided?

b.     Review the information on page 385 relating to diversity. What did the court say was required in order to obtain jurisdiction in a diversity case?


7.         Locate and review the case published at 112 F.3d 1339.

a.     In which circuit was this case decided?

b.     Review footnote 14. What did the court say with regard to the requirement to research thoroughly?


8.         Use the 
United States Code. What title of the United States Code relates to Mineral Lands and Mining?


9.         Use the 
United States Code and give the citation for the Jacob J. Javits Gifted and Talented Students Education Act of 2001.


10.       Use the 
United States Code. Which statute defines “passport” and how is this word defined?


11.       Use the 
United States Code. Give the citation for the statute(s) that generally relate to marine sanctuaries.


12.       Use the 
United States Code. What is the term or time of a design patent? Which statute governs this issue?


13.       Use the 
United States Code. Give the citation to the statute that relates to the crime of murder or manslaughter by poisoning.


14.       Access Congress.gov. Locate S. 292 introduced in the 115th Congress.

a.     What is the name of this legislation?

b.     What is its Public Law number?


15.       Access Congress.gov. Locate S. 4010 introduced in the 111th Congress.

a.     What is the title of this legislation?

b.     Briefly, what was the purpose of this legislation?

c.      What is its Private Law number?


16.       Give the name of the case located at 262 P.3d 581.


17.       Review 153 P.3d 1049.

a.     Give the name of the case.

b.     Review the case synopsis or background. Briefly describe this case.


18.       Review 553 S.E.2d 314.

a.     Who was the attorney for the appellant in this case?

b.     Which judges concurred? Give their full (first and last) names.


19.       Access GovInfo.gov.

a.     Select the U.S. Code for the most current year. Locate 25 U.S.C. § 305(e). What is the definition of “Indian”?

b.     Review the 
Compilation of Presidential Documents. What presidential proclamation was issued on May 18, 2018? Give the proclamation number and its purpose.

c.      Browse 
U.S. Statutes at Large, Volume 125, and review for bills enacted into law. Review the details for 125 Stat. 747. What is the U.S. Code citation for this public law?


20.       Locate the case at 136 S. Ct. 1034.

a.     Give the name of the case.

b.     What type of jurisdiction did the U.S. Supreme Court exercise in this case?


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