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M6 WA#1: Classroom Arrangement Create a developmentally appropriate classroom with five or more

M6 WA#1: Classroom Arrangement

Create a developmentally appropriate classroom with five or more learning centers for a group of 4 year-old children.    You may do the layout in a variety of ways. 

Option 1. You can use the word program on your electronic device and use the drawing tools on it to draw the layout. When you go to your Word program, you will click on the toolbar for the auto shapes for a rectangle or a circle, or you may choose to draw your own shape. Once you have your shape (you may add color if you want); click on the inside of it, and you should see your cursor.  Type the name of the learning center in the shape.

Option 2. A second option for creating your classroom is to access this link:  

  (Classroom Architect).  It will allow you to draw a floor plan and drag objects that they provide to design your classroom. When you are finished, save your classroom to your computer. 
After you complete your design, follow these steps if you are on a computer: 

· Look for the print screen button in the upper right hand corner; press the print screen(prtScr)  and the control key (Ctrl) at the same time.

· Open your word program to a blank page – click control and V at the same time which will paste your classroom.  

· Next save your document to your electronic device. You are now ready to submit your assignment on Blackboard.

Option 3. Another resource you can use to design your classroom is on the Kaplan Company website:
(Be sure to save your design if you use this option. Follow the same directions in option 2.)

Option 4. If technology is stressful, you may create your classroom by neatly drawing it on a blank sheet of paper, taking a picture of it or scanning it onto your computer, saving it to your computer and then submitting on Blackboard.

Option 5. You may also design your actual classroom; take pictures of it, label the different centers and send it as an attachment on Blackboard.  
If you choose this option, be sure to include at least one picture of the entire room, so I can see where the centers are in relation to each other.

Don’t forget to take a Virtual Tour of SeeSaw Center  which should  give you several ideas of how you might want your classroom to look.  You also need to refer to the book,
 Early Childhood Environment Rating Scale, Revised Edition while you are completing this assignment.  Your 
Beginnings and Beyond text also provides samples of developmentally appropriate classrooms.

Be sure to:

· label each learning center

· include at least two exits

· show where bathrooms and sinks are located, and

· designate storage areas and adult space.

At a minimum, your classroom should include the following learning centers:

· Blocks

· Dramatic Play

· Reading/Literacy

· Manipulatives

· Art

In addition to the above learning centers, you may include any of the following learning centers:

· Cozy area

· Music/Movement

· Sand/Water

· Nature/Science

· Math/Number

· Writing

· Technology/Computer

· Other

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