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need everything highlighted in yellow done EVALUATION REPORT — ATTEMPT 1 — REVISION NEEDED Overall Evaluator

need everything highlighted in yellow done


Overall Evaluator Comments


Your work here identifies a business question for the scenario and understands why the decision tree is a good path forward. Your analysis shows your understanding of possible limitations for the data element and the decision tree. Please see the comments in the rubric for more information about the aspects that require revision.

A. Business Problem Description


Competent The business question is accurately described, is relevant to the scenario, and is appropriate for decision tree analysis.

· There are no comments for this aspect.

B. Relevant Data


Competent The relevant data values are accurately identified for the decision tree analysis, including each of the given elements.

· There are no comments for this aspect.

C1. Decision Tree Diagram

Approaching Competence

Approaching Competence, the decision tree diagram provided does not contain 1 or more of the given elements, or the decision tree diagram contains 1 or more inaccuracies.


The work includes a decision tree. However, 2 of the payoff values are incorrect, and one of the three expected values is incorrect.

C2. Analysis Technique Justification


Competent The justification of decision tree analysis logically explains why it is the appropriate analysis technique and is supported with relevant details from the scenario.

· There are no comments for this aspect.

D1. Probabilities and Demand

Approaching Competence

Approaching Competence, the explanation does not logically address both the role of probabilities and the role of demand for 1 or more of the branches of the decision tree analysis.


The work describes decision tree values. However, the role probabilities and demands play is not logically addressed.

D2. Expected Values

Approaching Competence

Approaching Competence, the explanation does not logically and accurately address 1 or more steps required to determine the value of 1 or more nodes based on payoffs.


The work describes expected values. However, not all steps in the calculation process are identified.

D3. Limitations


Competent The discussion logically addresses 1 limitation of the data elements and 1 limitation of the decision tree analysis.

· There are no comments for this aspect.

E. Recommend Course of Action

Approaching Competence

Approaching Competence, the recommended course of action is not logically supported by the results of the decision tree analysis or does not appropriately address the business question from part A.


The recommendation appears to be correct; however, the inaccuracies of the decision tree diagram may impact the recommended course of action.

F. Sources


Competent The submission includes in-text citations for sources that are properly quoted, paraphrased, or summarized and a reference list that accurately identifies the author, date, title, and source location as available.

· There are no comments for this aspect.

G. Professional Communication


Competent Content reflects attention to detail, is organized, and focuses on the main ideas as prescribed in the task or chosen by the candidate. Terminology is pertinent, is used correctly, and effectively conveys the intended meaning. Mechanics, usage, and grammar promote accurate interpretation and understanding.

· There are no comments for this aspect.

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