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NSG 4150 – Healthcare Policy & Finance Week 5: Budget Analysis Presentation

NSG 4150 – Healthcare Policy & Finance

Week 5: Budget Analysis Presentation

Assignment Overview:

As a healthcare provider, it is essential to understand the relationship between economics, resources, budgeting, and staffing, and how these issues affect the ability to provide safe, quality care to patients. Two basic types of health care budgets affect nursing: capital and operating budgets. Capital budgets are used to plan investments and upgrades to physical assets that lose or gain value over time.  Operating budgets include personnel costs and annual facility operating costs. In this assignment, you will select a healthcare budget to analyze and present your findings to stakeholders. 

Assignment Instructions:  

Analyze a healthcare organization’s capital or operating budget (HCA Florida Mercy Hospital) and create a slide presentation of your findings and recommendations for stakeholders. The presentation should include the following content: 

Budget Analysis (2-3 slides) 

Obtain a current or previous capital or operating budget or annual report that exists within your healthcare organization (HCA Florida Mercy Hospital) from your supervisor or research a healthcare organization budget that is publicly available. Include background information and some context about the healthcare organization. 
Include a copy of the budget as one of the slides in the presentation. 

· Identify the components of the budget and describe which categories within the budget are impacted by patient outcomes (e.g., patient satisfaction, HCAHAP scores length of stay, readmissions) and which categories may impact patient care. 

Organizational Budget Procedures/Processes (4-5 slides) 

Interview a leader in your organization or research online to find details on your chosen organization budget procedures and processes. 

· Describe the role of the budget within the specific healthcare organization or medical surgical unit and how it impacts patient outcomes.  

· Identify titles/roles of people in the organization who help create and manage budgets for this organization. 

· Outline the process for reviewing and revising budgets and/or submitting budget requests within this unit, department, or organization.  

· Discuss the process for communication of budgetary decisions within the organization.  

Recommendations for Improvement (5-7 slides) 

· Review the budget and identify expected or unexpected items or outliers. Describe whether that issue, opportunity, or concern is capital vs. unit and what implications this has on patient care and healthcare practice. 

· Make general recommendations to the (unit, department, or organizational) appropriate leader about areas that should be cut, reappropriated, or realigned to improve the issue, opportunity, or concern identified.   

· Reflecting on this budget and your current practice, develop specific recommendations for the (unit, department, or organization) appropriate leader about one area of focus within the budget for the upcoming fiscal year.   

· Consider the following scenario and answer the prompts as part of your presentation.  

Scenario: The organization you obtained the sample budget from has directed all managers to either cut 5%, increase revenue, or reprioritize spending to meet the budget for the next fiscal year. Based on the budget, justify your choice to cut spending, increase revenue or reprioritize spending.  

· Describe which areas you would make cuts or adjustments or how you would increase revenue or reprioritize spending. 

· Which lines in the budget are priorities to keep?  

· If you make cuts, explain how the remaining budget items are reasonable for the organization and department given the size of the organization and the population served.

Presentation Requirements

Software Requirements:  

· Use Screenpal to record your presentation following these instructions: 
Screenpal Setup and Getting Started
Open this document with ReadSpeaker docReader .  

· Prezi, Microsoft Sway or PowerPoint, Keynote, Google Slide or similar software may be used to create the presentation content.  

· Review the 
Microsoft Office Tips for Creating an Effective PresentationLinks to an external site..

· Review additional tips for 
Making Effective PowerPoint PresentationsLinks to an external site.

Presentation Design & Formatting:   

· The presentation should be organized, attractive, creative, and professional.  

· Use uniform font and contrasting background colors and appropriate font sizes/colors to enhance readability. (Review the Microsoft resource for 
Making PowerPoints AccessibleLinks to an external site..)  

· Use short, bulleted points and limit the use of large number of texts.  

· Use smart art, graphics, and quality images when appropriate to support or explain the content and reinforce the presentation.  

Presentation Delivery Requirements:   

· Student presence on camera is REQUIRED while presenting the screen. Presentations that do not include student presence on the screen will be scored as a 0 grade.   

· Access to a portable or built-in computer camera and microphone for this recording is required.  

· Adequate room lighting and recorded video and audio quality are required.  

· Do not read from notes or slides during the presentation.  

· Prepare by completing each slide beforehand, write notes to use as speaking points or a script, study the material, and rehearse for time management before recording.  

· Present the content in a professional manner using conversational tone.  

· Be mindful of personal attire, background, language, and possible distractions from family, phones, and pets.   

Presentation Technical and Submission Requirements:  

· The use of Screenpal is required, and you are required to be on-camera.  

· Be sure to use the Screen Cast setting which captures both you and your screen (your poster) for the duration of your recording.
Remember, student presence on camera is REQUIRED.

· After finalizing the recording of your presentation, copy and paste the Screenpal URL to the Assignment Dropbox.  

Budget Analysis Presentation Rubric



Title & Introduction

5 pts


Both title and introduction slides contain and video presentation includes a comprehensive introduction to yourself and to purpose of presentation. Budget slide is included in the presentation.

Budget Analysis

PSLO 1 and PSLO 4

threshold: 6.0 pts

15 pts

Exceptional: Presentation articulates and synthesizes of all the relevant components of the budget and correctly identifies and describes which categories within the budget are impacted by patient outcomes and which categories may impact patient care.

Organizational Budget Procedures/Processes

1. Describe the role of the budget within the specific healthcare organization or unit and how it impacts patient outcomes. 2. Identify titles/roles of people in the organization who help create and manage budgets for this organization. 3. Outline the process for reviewing and revising budgets and/or submitting budget requests within this unit, department, or organization. 4. Discuss the process for communication of budgetary decisions within the organization. PSLO 4

threshold: 16.0 pts

25 pts

Exceptional: All criteria met and content is comprehensive and fully developed.

Recommendations for Budget Improvement

1. Review the budget and identify expected or unexpected items or outliers. Describe whether that issue, opportunity, or concern is capital vs. unit and what implications this has on patient care and healthcare practice. 2. Make general recommendations to the (unit, department, or organizational) appropriate leader about areas that should be cut, reappropriated, or realigned to improve the issue, opportunity, or concern identified. 3. Reflecting on this budget and your current practice, develop specific recommendations for the (unit, department, or organization) appropriate leader about one area of focus within the budget for the upcoming fiscal year. 4. Consider scenario and answer the prompts as part of your presentation. PSLO 4

threshold: 16.0 pts

25 pts

Exceptional: All criteria met and content is comprehensive and fully developed.

Presentation Delivery

10 pts


Exceptional speech delivery. Maintains a professional on-camera appearance (wardrobe and appearance) and background (lightening and noise distractions) during entire presentation. Speaks with fluctuation in volume and inflection to maintain audience interest and emphasize key points. Professional language skills and pronunciation are used (verbal communication). Delivery of content is organized, professional, poised, controlled, and smooth. Speech is concise and articulate and expands on slide text.

Presentation Design, Formatting, & Grammar

20 pts


• The presentation contains zero errors in spelling or grammar and APA formatting. • The presentation follows all assignment and formatting directions. • Presentation content is presented as short, bulleted points. • Graphics, figures, and other visuals support or explain the content and reinforce the presentation. • Font is uniform for type and size and color enhances contrast and readability. • Uses required software to record video presentation. • Uses appropriate software to design presentation. • Presentation is properly submitted to dropbox as url. • Recording shows slides and student (on camera).

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