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Practicum Summary [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLO: 5] Each week, you will be asked to speak on a different aspect of your practicum experience. In the discussions, you

Practicum Summary [WLOs: 1, 2] [CLO: 5]

Each week, you will be asked to speak on a different aspect of your practicum experience. In the discussions, you will address the various CEPH competencies you are working toward achieving. You will also highlight the data collection or data trends you are observing in your practicum. The goal for these discussions is to prepare you for your Final Practicum Report, which is due 10 days after you have presented and passed your Practicum Presentation Revision with your MPH faculty advisor and the MPH full-time faculty.

In this discussion, address the following:

  • Identify your practicum site.
  • Explain the aim of your practicum (What are you doing primarily this week?).
  • Identify how many practicum hours you have completed thus far. STILL 22 HOUR SINCE AUG 19TH.  MONDAY MEET UP WAS CANCELLED
    • If over 30, 60, or at 90, have you submitted your evaluation to the practicum coordinator? HAVE NOT WENT OVER 30 HOURS YET
  • Illustrate how you used public health competencies in carrying out your practicum projects.
  • Describe the most interesting aspect of your practicum to this point.
  • Describe the most challenging aspect of your practicum to this point.
  • If you have completed your 90 hours and this is your final discussion, provide two key takeaways from your practicum experience that you can apply to your career.

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