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Read Chapter: Populations Health Care (9th edition) of Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination Using Microsoft Word Document complete

Read Chapter: Populations Health Care (9th edition) of Saunders Comprehensive Review for the NCLEX-RN Examination

Using Microsoft Word Document complete the following assignment:

Specifics: 12 font; double space;  minimum of one and one half pages, and a Reference page

Cultural Awareness includes learning about the cultures of clients with whom you may be working

 Provide a full description and health risks for three (3) of the following cultures  (page 45) 

V. Minority Groups

VI. LGBTQIA Community

VII. Homeless

VIII. Socioeconomically Disadvantaged Individuals and Families

IX. Uninsured and Underinsured Individuals

X. Intellectually Disabled Individuals

XI. Battered Individuals and Victims of Abuse or Neglect

XII. Single Parents

XIII. Foster Children

XIV. Individulas with Mental Health Problems

XV. Older Adults

XVI. Military Veterans

XVII. Prisoners

XVIII. Immagrants and Refugees

XIX. Individulas with Chronic Illness

 (site your reference, do not copy and paste)

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