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Read the four colleagues post by expanding upon their post or offering an alternative recommendation on using project management approaches for

Read the four colleagues post by expanding upon their post or offering an alternative recommendation on using project management approaches for leading quality improvement efforts in your colleague’s healthcare organization or nursing practice. Include 2 references each


 The ability to influence and motivate other people is the essence of leadership. Effective leaders achieve change in behavior, motivate followers, and is capable of persuading people to see their point of view (Bakker et al., 2023). Part of transformational leadership involve the fostering of an organizational culture that espouses quality and urges staff members to follow measures and standards that promote quality and safety. A transformational leader understands the need for quality improvement and seeks strategies to make those improvements. When a need for quality improvement is identified, aligning resources to adopt quality improvement is the first step to create a better delivery system (Braithwaiste et al., 2020). With the evolution of healthcare, the leader has to be able to adapt to the evolution of healthcare and provide innovative strategies that promotes quality and address quality improvement. An example of transformational leadership that has led to the improvement of quality in care is the ability for the executive leadership to identify weaknesses in the delivery of care in the organization and bring together a group of talented leaders and members that strategize in making the process better. One example is the implementation of proper point of use treatment of medical devices and surgical instruments to decrease the bioburden (number of bacteria) that exists in dirty equipment and instruments prior to transporting to sterile processing department. The executive leader of the department exhibited transformational leadership by achieving compliance from the nurses and medical assistant to adopt the new practice changes that inevitably increased patient safety. In light of that, it is important to address the application of project management to support transformational leadership practices to promote quality improvement initiatives.

Project Management Application

            According to Sipes (2020), the role of the project manager is critical to the success of any project. Leadership at times may overlook the value of the project manager but nothing can be further from the truth. A project manager can conduct a gap analysis and serve as the subject matter expert to determine what kind of project will be needed for a specific practice change. The project manager can help the leaders determine what type of projects will be needed for quality improvement, what type of analysis should be conducted to determine the current state of the organization or department, provide goals and objectives, and delineate the scope of the project. This approach allows for leadership to transform practices and achieve compliance from department leaders and staff. Oftentimes, this is the approach that is noted in our organization and a project manager takes the lead when implementing practices. For example, going back to the point of use treatment program initiative to promote quality of care and the prevention of infections to patients through surgical instruments and medical devices. We can glean from this that the short-term goal is to achieve compliance with the nurses and medical assistants and the short-term goal is to achieve zero infections.

Short- and Long-Term Milestones

            In healthcare quality the goal is to provide quality healthcare to patients and promoting zero harm. Achieving positive patient outcomes and having excellent star ratings with Centers for Medicare and Medicaid (CMS) is the goal for healthcare organizations. Attain zero infections as a long-term goal (milestone) is a goal that all organizations strive for. However, short term goals are a little more difficult as it may require changing the culture in the organization to a culture of quality and patient-centered care. In the end, once you have successfully achieved your short-term goal the long-term goal usually follows.


            To be a transformational leadership, the leader knows his/her limitations and is able to reach out to the subject matter experts to bring strategies to achieve quality improvement, compliance among staff members, and maintain patient safety and positive patient outcomes. Additionally, the use of a project manager ensures that the leader achieves transformation with little disruption and waste of resources.


Transformational leadership is a style that emphasizes inspiration, motivation, and a shared vision to encourage team members to achieve exceptional outcomes (Bass & Riggio, 2023). In healthcare, this style can drive quality improvement by fostering a culture of innovation and continuous learning (Fischer, 2019). It encourages healthcare professionals to think creatively and work collaboratively to improve patient care.

In the Critical Care Unit (CCU) where I work, our nurse manager’s transformational leadership style has been instrumental in promoting quality improvement. She regularly conducts team meetings to discuss patient outcomes and gather feedback, creating an environment where everyone feels valued and motivated to contribute ideas for improvement. This open communication has helped us reduce healthcare-associated infections (HAIs) and improve patient satisfaction scores.

Applying project management approaches can support transformational leadership and facilitate quality improvement in the CCU (Kerzner, 2017). These approaches provide structure and clear milestones to guide the quality improvement initiative. Here’s how I’d recommend using project management to support transformational leadership:

· Define Clear Goals and Objectives: Establish specific, measurable, achievable, relevant, and time-bound (SMART) goals. For example, reducing HAIs by 20% within six months and improving patient satisfaction scores by 15% over the next year (Drucker, 2022).

· Develop a Project Plan: Create a detailed plan outlining key steps, timelines, resources, and roles. Include regular checkpoints to assess progress and adjust strategies as needed.

· Foster Team Collaboration and Communication: Facilitate regular meetings and create cross-functional teams to ensure everyone is aligned with the project’s goals. This approach encourages teamwork and innovation.

· Monitor and Measure Progress: Use key performance indicators (KPIs) to track success, such as infection rates or patient satisfaction scores. Regularly share progress with the team to maintain motivation and ensure accountability.

· Celebrate Achievements and Learn from Setbacks: Recognize team members for their contributions and celebrate successes. Analyze setbacks to identify areas for improvement and adjust the project plan accordingly.

By integrating project management approaches with transformational leadership, the CCU can achieve quality improvement in both the short and long term, leading to better patient outcomes and a more collaborative work environment.


 Transformational leadership is when a leader encourages and supports motivations for staff to design change that would positively effect staff satisfaction and patient care (American Nurses Association, 2023). Transformational leaders can be defined by the following traits: demonstrate integrity and takes responsibility, designs an environment that is supportive to staff, trust, and exceeds expectations (ANA, 2023). Transformational leadership is composed of those that are highly motivated to lead and not for their own benefit, they are more likely to treat their followers as individuals helping them all to meet different needs (Peng et al., 2024). Quality Improvement is the “framework used to systematically improve care” (Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services [CMS], 2023, p. 1). The goal of quality improvement is to design processes and structure to improve patient and staff care and satisfaction and to help reduce variation (CMS, 2023). Quality improvement is needed in order to help patient care move forward into the future, the delivery of patient care and the need for staff satisfaction can always be assessed and improved, quality improvement allows us the opportunity to do so.

        While working at bedside in ICU, we used to do our interdisciplinary rounds with individual providers throughout the shift, so when a provider came around we would have to give report all over again and do this multiple times a shift. The nursing staff grew tired of having to repeat themselves several times a day, so our management team encouraged us to decided how we would like to implement provider rounding. This is when we came up with the idea to do morning rounds with all specialties at once. The different specialties included: the pulmonary intensiviest, case management, nurse manager, dietary, physical therapy, charge nurse, chaplain, pharmacist, and any assigned medical students. The group of specialties would move throughout the unit one room at a time while the assigned nurse would give report on each patient. At first it was overwhelming to have so many people starring at you while you gave report about your patients, but after a while it became second nature and ended up being one of the best implemented plans we had.

        Project management is not an easy position to be in especially when the work that needs to be done may not be exciting to staff. The best thing to do in order to support transformational leadership is to be inclusive of all staff, make projects fun with the reminder how how much staff and patients will benefit from implemented changes. One idea is to offer rewards for best quality improvement initiatives and groups prizes following the successful implementation of the new process. This could be something as simple as providing the staff lunch one day or organizing a team building activity. I would first hold a staff meeting in introduce the quality improvement project, I would do this by asking staff if there are any processes that could use updating or any issues that they have come across that causes them barriers in their ability to provide safe patient care. I would would listen to all of the suggestions and then offer one myself. I would then want the staff to tell me how positive change would effect them based on the quality improvement initiative. We would work together as a team to discuss the problems and its negative effect on staff and patient care, then we would discuss both good and bad potential outcomes to addressing the quality improvement issue. From there, we would decide on the best approach to the issue and assign responsibilities that fit each team members abilities. I feel a weekly follow up with the staff during the improvement project will help keep people on task and also allow time to address any issues that come up. During these weekly check-ins we can also decide if any changes to our process need to be made and if we are on track to reach our goal. Once the goal is reached there needs to be a staff celebration such as catered lunch, pot luck, individual thank you prizes, acknowledgment from administration, lottery prize system, or planned team activity outside of the patient care setting.


In military healthcare settings, transformational leadership is critical in fostering a culture of continuous improvement and adapting to evolving healthcare needs. Leaders who exhibit transformational qualities inspire their teams to embrace change, think innovatively about patient care, and effectively implement quality improvement initiatives (Labrague, 2024). For example, I observed a senior nurse leader who led a comprehensive project to reduce medication errors and enhance patient safety within our unit. This leader effectively communicated the vision for change, engaged all team members, and empowered frontline staff to propose innovative solutions. As a result, our team successfully reduced medication errors and nurtured a culture of continuous improvement and patient safety awareness.

To enhance medication adherence and improve patient outcomes through a quality improvement initiative, it’s crucial to integrate project management methodologies with transformational leadership practices. A structured approach with precise short- and long-term goals can lead to measurable improvements in care delivery. We would assess and collect baseline data in the initial 0-6 months to understand current adherence rates and identify barriers. Following this, we would plan interventions and implement strategies like medication synchronization programs and patient education initiatives over the next few months. For example, we might analyze patient records, conduct surveys, and engage with healthcare providers to gain insights into medication adherence factors.

By months 4-6, we would pilot and evaluate these interventions for effectiveness, with continuous feedback loops in place for refinement (Sipes, 2020). We would shift to scaling successful interventions across broader patient populations in the longer term (6-12 months and beyond). We would prioritize full implementation and resource allocation during months 7-9, ensuring standardized monitoring and reporting processes for adherence. Ongoing monitoring and evaluation, coupled with staff training and education, would sustain improvements and cultivate a culture of continuous improvement. Throughout this process, transformational leadership practices would be integrated, inspiring staff with a clear vision of improved outcomes, empowering them to take ownership of adherence initiatives, and fostering collaboration to drive sustainable change (Sipes, 2020). This combined project management and transformational leadership approach is designed to achieve tangible improvements in medication adherence and ultimately enhance patient care and outcomes.

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