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Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care In 3 pages, As a presenter, you will propose an evidence-based plan to improve the

Remote Collaboration and Evidence-Based Care

In 3 pages, As a presenter, you will propose an evidence-based plan to improve the outcomes the patient in the provided case study, and examine how remote collaboration provided benefits or challenges to designing and delivering the care.



Hypothyroidism is a medical condition that occurs when the thyroid gland doesn’t produce enough thyroid hormone. Providing evidence-based care for hypothyroidism can be challenging, especially when care is being provided remotely. In this case study, we will observe how healthcare professionals collaborate remotely and virtually to provide care for a patient with hypothyroidism.


The patient is a 50-year-old female diagnosed with hypothyroidism. She lives in a rural area and has limited access to specialized endocrine care. The patient experiences symptoms such as fatigue, weight gain, and depression.


The patient’s primary care nurse, Lisa, collaborates remotely with a team of healthcare professionals, including an endocrinologist, a pharmacist, and a nutritionist, to provide evidence-based care for hypothyroidism.

• Lisa: “Good afternoon, everyone. Thank you for joining this virtual meeting to discuss the care of our patient with hypothyroidism. Based on the patient’s symptoms and medical history, I believe she would benefit from a comprehensive treatment plan. I would like to hear your input and recommendations.”

• Endocrinologist: “Thank you, Lisa. I have reviewed the patient’s medical records and thyroid function test results. I agree that the patient has hypothyroidism and requires a comprehensive treatment plan. I recommend initiating hormone replacement therapy, including levothyroxine, to restore her thyroid hormone levels and improve her symptoms.”

• Pharmacist: “I have reviewed the patient’s medication list and potential drug

interactions. It is crucial to ensure that the patient understands the proper use of

levothyroxine and the importance of adherence. I recommend providing education and counseling to the patient and her family on the correct medication administration and potential side effects.”

• Nutritionist: “I have been working with the patient to address any dietary factors that may be contributing to her hypothyroidism. We have discussed the importance of a balanced diet, including foods rich in iodine and selenium. I recommend providing education and counseling to the patient and her family on the importance of nutrition and lifestyle modifications.”

Lisa: “Thank you all for your valuable input. I will incorporate your recommendations into the patient’s treatment plan. Let’s schedule regular virtual follow-up visits to monitor her progress, adjust medications if necessary, and provide ongoing support.”

Consider additional consultations that might be necessary as you develop your plan of care for this patient


For this assessment, you are a presenter!

Propose an evidence-based care plan that you believe will improve the safety and outcomes of the patient in the case study presented. Add your thoughts on what more could be done for the patient and what more information may have been needed.

Discuss the ways in which an Evidence Based Practice model and relevant evidence helped you to develop and make decisions about the plan you proposed

Wrap up your assessment by identifying the benefits of the remote collaboration in the scenario, as well as discuss strategies you found in the literature or best practices that could help mitigate or overcome one or more of the collaborations challenges you observed in the scenario.

Be sure you mention any articles, authors, and other relevant sources of evidence that helped inform your assessment. Discuss why these sources of evidence are credible and relevant. Important:

The following media is an example learner submission in which the speaker successfully addresses all competencies in the assessment.

Make sure that your assessment addresses the following grading criteria:

· Propose your own evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for a patient in the provided case study. Proposes your own evidence-based care plan to improve the safety and outcomes for the Vila Health patient with the new case study added. Notes areas in which further information or data could have been useful in developing the plan.

· Explain the ways in which you used an EBP model to help develop your plan of care for the client. Explains the ways in which you used the specific evidence-based practice model to help develop your plan of care for the client. Notes ideas for how to evaluate the positive benefits to patient outcomes.

· Reflects on which evidence you collected in your search that was most relevant and useful when making decisions regarding the care plan. Discusses the rationale or criteria that was used to determine relevance and usefulness.

· Identifies benefits and proposes strategies to mitigate the challenges of interdisciplinary collaboration to plan care within the context of a remote team. Discusses how interdisciplinary collaboration could be better leveraged to improve outcomes in future care situations.

· Communicate in a professional manner that is easily audible and uses proper grammar, including a reference list formatted in current APA style.

· The reference list is from relevant and evidence-based (published within five years) sources, exhibiting flawless adherence to APA format.

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