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See attachment Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday Time I woke up: Total # of hours slept: How rested I feel on a scale

See attachment

Monday Tuesday Wednesday Thursday Friday Saturday Sunday

Time I woke up:

Total # of hours slept:

How rested I feel on a scale of
1 – 10 (0=awful -> 10=great):

# of caffeinated drinks today:

Time of last caffeinated

Exercise or meditation completed
today (minutes):

Did I use any technology in
the hour before bedtime?

Sleep Diary

Complete in the MORNING

My mood on a scale of 1 – 10
(0=awful -> 10=great):

Complete in the EVENING

# of times I woke up last

Dream recall (symbols,
feelings, images, language):

How stressed I feel on a scale of
1 – 10 (0=awful -> 10=great):

Derivative of “Sleep Diary”
licesnsed under CC BY by Jenny Dozier

  • Sleep_Diary_1
  • Sleep_Diary_2

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