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The picture is of a read apple Look at the object above. In the discussion area, tell us everything you can think of about this object. Do not look it up on

The picture is of a read apple

Look at the object above. In the discussion area, tell us everything you can think of about this object. Do not look it up on the internet – just tell us about the object. You can do it as a bulleted list if you want.

Semantics is the content or meaning associated with words and word combinations. It is the study of meaning in language. It includes word relationships, such as antonyms, synonyms, metaphors, and words with multiple meanings.

Semantics is the meaning leave of language, the relation of words to reality.

Semantic mapping is developing a diagram of what is to be read using prior knowledge of the topic .

For our purpose, we will think of it as words and word relationships. (Learning Module 1-Reading Notes)


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