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The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a comprehensive and complete rough draft of your Nursing Theory Comparison paper in APA style

The purpose of this assignment is to draft and submit a comprehensive and complete rough draft of your Nursing Theory Comparison paper in APA style. Your rough draft should include all of the research paper elements of a final draft, which are listed below. This will give you an opportunity for feedback from your instructor before you submit your final draft during week 7.

Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 6–9), select a grand nursing theory.

· After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.

Based on the reading assignment (McEwen & Wills, Theoretical Basis for Nursing, Unit II: Nursing Theories, chapters 10 and 11), select a middle-range theory.

· After studying and analyzing the approved theory, write about this theory, including an overview of the theory and specific examples of how it could be applied in your own clinical setting.

The following should be included:

1. An introduction, including an overview of both selected nursing theories

2. Background of the theories

3. Philosophical underpinnings of the theories

4. Major assumptions, concepts, and relationships

5. Clinical applications/usefulness/value to extending nursing science testability

6. Comparison of the use of both theories in nursing practice

7. Specific examples of how both theories could be applied in your specific clinical setting

8. Parsimony

9. Conclusion/summary

10. References: Use the course text and a minimum of three additional sources, listed in APA style

The paper should be 8–10 pages long and based on instructor-approved theories. It should be typed in Times New Roman with 12-point font, and double-spaced with 1″ margins. APA style must be used, including a properly formatted cover page, in-text citations, and a reference list. The proper use of headings in APA style is also required.

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