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The Week 3 readings discussed types of ways in which we aquire knowledge (others, experience, observation, etc…).  Knowledge that comes from others

  1. The Week 3 readings discussed types of ways in which we aquire knowledge (others, experience, observation, etc…).  Knowledge that comes from others includes the types of information and beliefs that stem from larger social and cultural ideologies (belief systems) that have been passed down over time.   Post-Colonial Theory has been utilized by writers and thinkers to challenge the overall dominance of Western thought, practices and beliefs and their impact on the rest of the world. The writings and work of Fanon and Anzaldua from this week are included in what is known as Post-Colonial theory.Utilize the two weblinks included in this folder to write about how the work of Fanon and Anzaldua (this means you must read those readings as well) as examples of Post Colonial theory challenge Western forms of knowledge aquisition.  What institutions and systems do they critique and why?  What do each of them say about language and why is language so important to their argument? What non traditional ways of knowing do they discuss as a part of their challenge to Western ways of thought?Responses should be 3-5 pages double spaced (about 700-1100 words)   Please use proper citations and a works cited or bibliography page.  (Whatever citation format you prefer)

Introducing Postcolonialism in International Relations Theory

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