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Watch the video, then evaluate the speech by addressing the following:  · Audience: What was the speaker’s target audience? How do you know? · Introduction:

Watch the video, then evaluate the speech by addressing the following: 

· Audience: What was the speaker’s target audience? How do you know?

· Introduction: Identify the speaker’s attention-getter, topic, and thesis. Did the attention-getter grab your interest? Why or why not? What was the speaker’s thesis or central idea? 

· Body: How did the speaker support her claim (thesis)?

· Conclusion: Did the speaker end strongly? Why or why not?  

· Presentation Aids: Describe the presentation aids used by the speaker. Were they effective? Why or why not?

· Delivery: Evaluate the delivery of the speech. What was done particularly well?

If sources are used, be sure to include citations and references in APA format.

Estimated time to complete: 2 hours

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