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CLED 987 Prospectus Chapter Three: Second Draft Assignment Instructions Overview For this assignment,

CLED 987

Prospectus Chapter Three: Second Draft Assignment Instructions


For this assignment, you will write and submit a second draft of
Chapter Three of the
Research Prospectus. You will combine part one and part two of the first draft as one submission. This draft will follow the outline for either the quantitative or qualitative prospectus, as presented in the Christian Leadership Doctoral Programs handbook. The draft must carefully follow the template provided. If a mixed-method approach is employed, you must create a hybrid version of the outline modified appropriately for your research problem and design.


You are to prepare
Chapter Three of the
Prospectus in consultation with your Course Instructor. This is the opportunity to develop your research design under the guidance of your assigned course instructor. The second draft of
Chapter Three submitted for instructor review must be a minimum of 16 pages and follow current APA style requirements. Your chapter should use the template provided which will assist you with APA style and program content requirements. Your chapter must follow one of the outlines below.

Note: Research topic and design will be finalized under the Dissertation Supervisor’s guidance and will be reviewed for the viability of the proposed study. Candidates should expect significant revision of the Research Prospectus under the Dissertation Supervisor.

Quantitative Outline:

If you are doing a
quantitative study, you must use the quantitative chapter template and follow the outline below.


Research Design Synopsis

Research Problem

Research Purpose

Research Questions and Hypotheses

Research Design and Methodology (
Brief Summary)


Sampling Procedures

Limitations of Generalization

Ethical Considerations

Proposed Instrumentation (
if applicable)

Research Procedures

Data Analysis and Statistical Procedures

Chapter Summary

Qualitative Outline:

If you are doing a
qualitative study, you must use the qualitative chapter template and follow the outline below.


Research Design Synopsis

Research Problem

Research Purpose

Research Questions

Research Design and Methodology (
Brief Summary)



Role of the Researcher

Ethical Considerations

Data Collection Methods and Instruments

Data Analysis

Chapter Summary

Mixed-Methods Outline:

If you are doing a
mixed-methods study, you must create your mixed-methods chapter based on a hybrid of the quantitative and qualitative templates provided and follow the outline below.


Research Design Synopsis

Research Problem

Research Purpose

Research Questions

Research Design and Methodology (
Brief Summary)

Quantitative Research Methodology (
order depends on the study design)


Sampling Procedures

Limitations of Generalization

Ethical Considerations

Proposed Instrumentation (
if applicable)

Research Procedures

Data Analysis and Statistical Procedures

Qualitative Research Methodology (
order depends on the study design)



Role of the Researcher

Ethical Considerations

Data Collection Methods and Instruments

Data Analysis

Chapter Summary

Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool.

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