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Sales W.C. Hicks Appliances Date Prepared: Client Name SKU Item Name Delivery Price Total Due Years Monthly Payment Garten 294211


W.C. Hicks Appliances
Date Prepared:
Client Name SKU Item Name Delivery Price Total Due Years Monthly Payment
Garten 294211 Yes 3
Leggett 327064 Yes 5
Vong 446741 No 3
Ranger 643081 No 5
Williams 294211 No 3
Davis 446741 No 3
Jackson 306862 Yes 4
Garcia 643081 No 4
Broadnax 446741 Yes 5
Inventory Information
SKU Description Price Summary Statistics
294211 Refrigerator $1,399.00 Number of Orders
306862 Dishwasher $809.99 Lowest Monthly Payment
327064 Microwave $379.99 Average Monthly Payment
446229 Oven $1,099.99 Maximum Monthly Payment
446741 Washer $467.99 Median Monthly Payment
643081 Dryer $599.99
Delivery Fee $75.00
Interest Rate 3.25%
Months Per Year 12

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