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Your task for each week’s discussion is to read all required resources. You must then respond to ONE of the questions. This is called your INITIAL POST. Click

Your task for each week’s discussion is to read all required resources. You must then respond to ONE of the questions. This is called your INITIAL POST. Click the blue Start a New Thread button to post your response. Your Initial Post is due by the fourth day of the academic week at 11:59 pm ET. Your Initial Post is worth 30 points and should be 250 words in length, which is equal to about 1 page of double-spaced writing in Arial, Calibri, or Times New Roman 12 point font in a Word document.

Week 4 Questions?

1. Read the document titled, The Feminine Mystique by Betty Friedan. Friedan seeks to know why “American women were so discontented?” So, why were American women unhappy? What were the primary points of Betty Friedan’s writings?  In what ways was she questioning “traditional” roles of women in American Society?


Make sure to reference two of these sources!

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