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Develop a strategic plan for Walmart and share it with stakeholders. Create a 11- to 13-slide presentation for key stakeholders to solicit their approval

Develop a strategic plan for Walmart and share it with stakeholders.

Create a 11- to 13-slide presentation for key stakeholders to solicit their approval of your strategic plan. Address the following in your presentation: 

  • An introduction with mission and vision statements
  • Core values, ethics, and social responsibility principles
  • Analysis of the company’s:
  • Internal environment (e.g. strengths and weaknesses related to resources, trademarks, patents, copyrights, or current processes)
  • External environment (e.g. opportunities and threats related to market trends, economic trends, demographics, or regulations)
  • An evaluation of the internal and external environment’s impact on achieving the company strategy
  • Create a strategic objective for the company.
  • Create short- and long-term goals for achieving the company’s strategic plan.
  • Determine methods for collecting data and measuring the success of the strategic plan.

Include APA-formatted in-text citations and a reference page.

Cite at least 3 peer-reviewed documents. Note: You may include your textbook as 1 of the sources.

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